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Raydio: If you don't like saltine crackers there's honestly something wrong with you

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Raydio: Wow I forgot a tail again for the millionth time, time to commit seppuku

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realbboy: I agree with this message.

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Toryu-Mau: Needs Moar Salt.

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Kazerad: @Raydio: Just say it's behind her thigh. That's what I do whenever I forget it.

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Raydio: @Kazerad Now that's something I can get behind

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Rick2tails: theres nothing nutritional about them. but theyre good in tomato soup .or with peanut butter on them
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Asperger_kitten_1337: just going to eat a few salt cracks
1 hour later
aaaaand i have eaten 3 whole packages

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Raydio: @Rick2tails @Asperger_kitten_1337 Nutella and those things are going to make me diabetic

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Skoon: Saltines are fine... with something on them.

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Enheldor: @Skoon: Saltines are delicious by themselves.

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Raydio: @Enheldor A certain group of sailors think otherwise

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Rick2tails: they are pretty bland by design

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Raydio: Decided to finally fix this image, so here:

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Skoon: @Enheldor: By themselves as they are falling into a bowl of chili.

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DarthVader: I'm going to have to agree saltines are delicious

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