Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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madmanransom: Found this absolute gem on the WORST /trash/ thread I've ever seen.
For your own sanity, I'd advise you don't go there.

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bluedraggy: You did it, you madman! You uploaded it! Woe be to those who visit that thread. (They even used my porniest rollyourownlewd for the OP.) Thank god it will be gone in a day or two at most. I swear I never ever post there though! Honest!

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Un_Mapache: Dafuk
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MetalC0Mmander: Look I've seen a fucking thread where they propose to invade Canada because it's a country of liberals on that fucking terrible website. So I'm willing to believe you that thread was trash but let's say the competition is friece for worst.

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madmanransom: @MetalC0Mmander: No, dude. It was on the board /trash/. And what you're describing is pathetic. If that's something you consider bad when you're concerning 4chan, you are quite clearly not a regular there.
I mean, holy shit, man. You haven't seen anything.
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Ivan_The_Not_Furry: I.... don't get it, its some 4chan thingy..... but the text boxes are in Greek i guess? Also this made me a little sad tbh, i was already having a bad day and the the last thing i needed was some dude murdering sick Katia

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Makkon: :(

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Raydio: ):

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madmanransom: @Makkon: Hey Makk, no worries man. Iss all good. She's in a better place now.
And updoot will come soon.

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madmanransom: @Raydio: What's with that frown, you BRAT?!?
Wipe it away!

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madmanransom: >inb4 child abuse and favoritism

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Toryu-Mau: The bird flew over the nest, eh?

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Francix: plz feature diz
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Tam_Lin: For those of you not in the know, this is in reference to a recent 4chan thread that was spammed to oblivion with google-translated greek and someone dumping 4chan banners. These threads were always in dispute, with people attempting to derail them with gore and/or fetish fodder but they have never been outright bombarded with spam.

Also is no one going to point out that The Doctors is capitalized?

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tronn: "Do not worry, Kazerad made the site off-line accessible. You don't even have to check the website anymore, you can just think of the comic and be disappointed." that bit made me laugh