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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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Raydio: "Katia and Kalem busting a petty illegal enchantments dealer."

Drawing the creepy lizard dude was fun, i've never drawn an argonian before.

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Rick2tails: I think the partial shoes/socks? on Katia look pretty neat as does her expression

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Raydio: @Rick2tails: I actually got the idea from Zootopia, Judy wears the same thing. I thought they would fit well with the outfit, so I slapped them on her and instantly liked they way they looked

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Raydio: @Raydio: Oh, and Katia wears them in the comic too. LOL.

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Sashimi: Dude, I like where you're going with this!

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EggEggEggEgg: Nice job on the argonian! Love the line "Greetings, street merchant! We'll take two of your finest and completely non-enchanted, legal, and registered firearms!"

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Raydio: @EggEggEggEgg: Thanks, egg^4 :)

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Toryu-Mau: ... Yesss, !ENCHANTMEN! Has All The Goods.
Does Khajiit Have The Coins? >);^]