Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.


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Pohatu5: I am as uncomfortable with this as the horse is.

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madmanransom: Thanks, Ray.

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LuminosityXVII: but y tho

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LuminosityXVII: y is this

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Sashimi: I don't care what anyone says, this makes me laugh!

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IkkyKrrk: This goes into my collection of NWF images. Thank you for your contribution.

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Raydio: @IkkyKrrk: My pleasure

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MrCoopy: I've seen a version of this with Crash bandicoot, but Idk if it's the original.

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MrCoopy: nvm, just clicked source link

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LuminosityXVII: o that's y

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comkiller: Considering that I saw a horse in a questionable picture's thumbnail, this turned out pretty well.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Justice Hors did not get enough oats to tolerate this. >):^[

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Raydio: @Toryu-Mau: I’m gonna need an explanation for for this one, Toryu

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Vidiotdragon: The original is of Resident Evil 4, drawn by Plague of Gripes. Google it and enjoy the memery.

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FonkDerok: this is absolutely beautiful

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Raydio: @Vidiotdragon: Wait, plague drew the original?! Are you serious right now?

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Vidiotdragon: @Raydio:

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Raydio: @Vidiotdragon: How have I been here this long and never realized how big plague was

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Mikeyboi: Ok this actually made me laugh
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Meow-mix-king-44: @comkiller: I know right? I was partially expecting to see Sigrid dry humping a horse.
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Micropipi69: Jesus fuckface crist.that was amazing.