Lesser beings should be ashamed of their uncovered body. Tag such images with "questionable".


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Raydio: Sports!

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Raydio: This isn't a trace, I just really liked the image in the source :/
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Asperger_kitten_1337: extra *glowing eyes* F I T T

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Odes: Katia pull up your shorts!

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Pineapplekat: oof

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Toryu-Mau: ... Grrr Powah~! Git those Gains! >):^°
( Sucks a raw egg straight out of the shell and crushes the shell between biceps. )

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Sashimi: You could add a barbell with pineapples for the weights!

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Armored-Struggle-Wagon: when I was a kit I ate 5 dozen eggs each morning to help me get large....

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Rick2tails: looking good Katia!
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HolyCrap: Nice, you in art school or something?

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Raydio: @HolyCrap: No, but I'm trying to learn still
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HolyCrap: @Raydio: you still in high school then?

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Raydio: @HolyCrap: Yeah, in my senior year. I picked up this hobby around September

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CaptainLackwit: @Raydio: Whatever you do? Don't let up. You're good.