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Sashimi: "Forgive me." Another fanfic commission I got from Cider. This is set years down the road. I do love a redemption story!

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Enheldor: The most unrealistic part of this piece is Katia being successful.

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Sashimi: @Enheldor: At some point, something has to go right for her.

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Rick2tails: I dont get these people who read the comic and expect and seem to hope the main character is a failure and always will be one.

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PermanentFace: I take great pleasure in knowing this will never happen.

Kvatch will burn. I look forward to all these assholes who so casually hurt and abused Katia burning with it.

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PermanentFace: Sigrid will survive, of course, but I think that's a better punishment. She will lose everything, and be left nothing more than a mediocre alchemist without a home.

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Sashimi: If Katia actually chose to forgive someone who wronged her, I don't see how that's a bad thing. I don't see Rajirra like some wicked evil character as so many seem to. She didn't start out with the intention of betraying Katia, hell, she didn't even want to be involved with the imp removal in the first place. She wanted to go home and mind her own business, but was talked into going. Now I don't condone what she did, but I don't believe she deserves the horrible fate that so many would like to see happen to her.

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PermanentFace: @Sashimi: The problem is that she has always seen Katia as less than her - someone unworthy of her time or her sympathy. She will never solicit forgiveness from someones she has determined to only look down upon.

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: I agree that Rajirra treated Katia poorly and as inferior, but that doesn't mean she'll never see the error in that behavior. I'd like to believe that after she has time to reflect on the events of that night, she would have tremendous feelings of guilt and remorse, and if given the chance, she would apologize to Katia and seek forgiveness. I think Rajirra is damaged from past traumas which has left her bitter about life. I feel sympathy for someone like that, and I'd like to see them rise above their difficulties and enjoy life again.

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PermanentFace: @Sashimi: If you wish to see someone rise about their traumatic past and damaged soul, look to Katia Managan. Rajirra is what happens when a character gives up and chooses to become a vile person. Even if she has been through as much as Katia (which I rather doubt), she is quite clearly unwilling to 'enjoy life' as anything other than the criminal scum she is.

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: Now don't get me wrong, I'm certainly rooting for Katia to overcome her difficulties and succeed, I truly am, but there's also something appealing about a character who; from outward appearance, has given up, but then finds the opportunity to redeem themselves. Now like I mentioned before, perhaps that won't happen in the main story, maybe it's only reserved for the domain of fanfiction in that she achieves respectability. I still believe there's good in her, and I feel compelled to support that belief. 'Criminal scum', no, I don't see her that way. To me that would imply that she intended to betray katia from the beginning, which was not the case. Being bitter about life and treating someone disrespectfully is not a crime; rude, yes, but not criminal. I just don't feel she deserves to be so despised, but perhaps pitied instead. I suppose we'll just have to agree to disagree about our viewpoints on this matter.

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PermanentFace: Rajirra literally pick-pocketed Katia Managan. She is a criminal.

What do you think of Sigrid?

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Sashimi: @PermanentFace: Rajirra needed the rope to scout the imps. Yes she didn't ask first and that probably comes from her disapproval of Katia, but we don't know that she wouldn't have returned it to her after they had finished the job, if things had gone according to plan anyway. Sigrid on the other hand, now she IS deliberately screwing people over for personal gain, so I do have disdain for her. That being said, I'm still open to the possibility that she too can see the error of her ways and make things right. Or perhaps it's as some have suggested and this is an elaborate test By Sigrid. We'll have to wait and see what Kaz has in store for us.

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Sashimi: Also, Katia took that rope from the well she destroyed. It didn't belong to her in the first place. That's one reason Rajirra disapproved of he, and she may have felt inclined to return it where it rightfully belonged. It's a possibility anyway.

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Sashimi: "Disapproved of her"

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Kewot_Rokar: Aw. Poor Rajirra.
Good art.

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Geravind: Why the source is not pointed out? (It's a scene of forgiveness -- no retarded suggestion, pls.)

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Sashimi: @Geravind: Oops my bad! I keep forgetting about listing the source. Corrected now.