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Toxic: These will be the base materials for weapons and base types. I was originally just going to upload the weapons, but I thought that might not have been prequel-related enough, so I added another outfit for Katia's sprite.

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Little_ducko: Coolio hoolio
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ArtMartin: WHO makes a weapon of gold? Gold is terrible for making anything related to combat, it breaks extremely fast.

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Toxic: @ArtMartin: I was probably just going to use it as something like an antique, with its main use being a sellable item. I'll probably just replace the whole tier with a different material.

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Shotgun_Observations: I always wanted to play Minecraft as Katia in a different game

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Sashimi: Man, I can't wait to see this in finished form!

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Rick2tails: a weapon of gold wouldnt be used.Itd be something a rich man would have on his wall or something
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ArtMartin: @Toxic Ok

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MrCoopy: If I were you, I'd replace some of those light grey colored materials with something else so as to diversify the palette and make them easier to distinguish. Perhaps make the iron a darker grey, make the daedric weapons red-tinged like in Oblivion, and replace the platinum weapons with ebony? Just a thought.

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Toxic: @MrCoopy: It's a good idea. I'll probably replace gold with Ebony and move it higher on the tiers.

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Kazerad: @Toxic: I don't know, it would be slightly amazing if you just made gold weapons incredibly expensive and incredibly weak compared to everything else. But, probably the bad kind of amazing.

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Toxic: @Kazerad: I'm thinking about replacing the gold with ebony on the primary weapon materials and tiers chart above, but keeping the gold set in the game and hiding it in a collectible way, kinda like what you did with the wooden utensils in Katia: Excelsior.
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Streetwind: You know, golden weapons don't have to be solid gold. You'd have a hard time even swinging them properly if they were! But they can simply be "gilded" - covered in a thin layer of gold for aesthetic purposes. This is actually something that's been done IRL, so there's no reason it cannot be in the game world.

Incidentally, it's the same for silver weapons. Silver is only a slightly less bad metal to make weapons out of than gold. But steel weapons can be silvered, giving the weapon its benefit of hurting silver-hating mystical creatures without lacking in sturdiness.

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AMKitsune: @Toxic: If I may, the colourations of these steel and iron weapons are currently the opposite of what other games have raised me to believe. Isn't iron weaponry usually portrayed as the darker metal and steel as lighter?
Also speaking of colour, the Daedric weapons kind of look like iron as well. Perhaps making them darker (near black maybe) would help differentiate them? If nothing else, it would help the red highlights pop.
@Kazerad: Now I'm imagining a mace made entirely of glued together gold coins.
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Asperger_kitten_1337: the Kvatch arena armor doesn't have sleeves, though

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Toxic: @AMKitsune: I actually just stayed up all night working on the game, and one of the updates I made was fixing the coloring of the textures.
@Asperger_kitten_1337:Along with other updates, I fixed this problem and made a few more Katia outfit sprites.

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Asa_of_elswher: @AMKitsune: actually that's not true, until vary recently in history, steel was always vary dark in color, almost black, because of the carbon they added to the iron. ( I know all this because I do black smithing)

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AMKitsune: @Asa_of_elswher: I did not know that
Then again, that's why "what other games have raised me to believe" was added in there. Games are often full of inaccuracies that end up being accepted as common knowledge.

That aside though, what sorts of things do you make? The only experience I have with blacksmithing is watching things like that 'man at arms' youtube show where they make pop-culture weapons and armour (which instantly makes you at least 100 times more qualified to handle glowing metal than myself XD).

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WassapDude94: We need Warhammers! Greatswords! and actual differences between the War axes and Battleaxes (come on the daedric axe is gigantic and most likely a battleaxe yet the copper and iron are war axes)

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Asa_of_elswher: @AMKitsune: I wouldn't even call my self an amateur. But I've made steel ingots before so I can tell you thay are vary dark, because of the carbon we need to add to it. It used to be that cole was added but nowadays we add industrial grafite to iron and there you have it steel, but it's still vary dark so big company's add a special finish that makes that mirror like sheen.