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Toxic: Vote- Gold, Silver, or Vintage

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Asa_of_elswher: Vintage

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Rick2tails: gold

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Raydio: Vintage

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jacobc62: Most certainly Vintage

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Sashimi: I'd have to say vintage.
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Sunny: Gold hast the best contrast, but vintage would be acceptable.
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Vinarto: Gold and silver seems to good for Katia. She should have to earn silver, then gold.

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Erick_Rusht: The vintage color is ideal for the game, taking into account that it gives a touch of antiquity and knowing that Katia is of low economic resources.

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MrCoopy: Vintage.

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AMKitsune: I'd have to vote for vintage as well. Not only is it the most thematically fitting, but it also appears that it would stand out better against a larger variety of background images/colours.

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WBGaming81: Vintage, gold and silver could be earned later or so

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Nik790: Vіntage
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Millie: Remember PEMDAS: purrentheses, electrocution, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction
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Millie: Oh also vintage

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Shotgun_Observations: How about all of them?

When you get to a certain level, you "upgrade"

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Toxic: @Shotgun_Observations: I was thinking about using all of them. The player would start with the vintage and it would change texture as the player's money gets higher.

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Shotgun_Observations: @Toxic: Actually, that is better. Since money is hard to come by (supposedly) it couldn't be abused too much.

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The_Last_Watcher: I actually think silver would look the best, given a little bit of distress (texture on the edges, a few specks of discoloration, etc.)
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Big_Boi: You could also add an option to change the color under a “hud options” menu and just have vintage set as the default color.

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Shotgun_Observations: Oooor... Make it so the different colors mean diferent difficulties. Gold being easy mode, etc...