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bluedraggy: https://goo.gl/forms/C86Oev8pzIrrh52v1 A little trivia game thing I did yesterday. Kaz said it was okay!

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DarthVader: That was a cool form it was mostly funny tho lol!
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SilentOrbweaver: Yo, that was fun! And somewhat embarrassing. 37 points to my forgetful ass :/
(To be fair though, some of this questions are extremely obscure)

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AMKitsune: 49/100 points for me. I feel incredibly average.

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AMKitsune: @AMKitsune: Although I call bullshit on that last question though. I gave a perfectly supportive answer but missed a whole 10 points for not fitting into your linguistic ideals.

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DarthVader: If you cheated your just childish! And need some growin up to do!

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bluedraggy: I'm waiting till someone gets the last question right. Then I'm calling CHEAT! It's not intended to be answered correctly of course. The average so far is like 34 points. I did make it much too hard.49 is incredibly good. If I add more questions, I'll just put a link to a new trivia form in this one, so I don't spam the booru. Still waiting to hear if Kaz looked for misspelling on the Immigrations Form though.

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notabigthreat: 77 points without the final bonus
The door question was by far the hardest.
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SilentOrbweaver: @bluedraggy: Umm, of course, I can't speak for everybody, but I think there won't be much objection against posting new trivia as independent posts. It would be much more visible and it could be arranged in a pool that way. (yeah, remember pools?). And it won't flood the booru, unless you post, like, several posts a day.

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scoopski: Damn fine trivia draggy, only downside is that you can only truly experience it once.
(got 67 points btw)

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FriendOfFennecs: I scored 52/100. Apparently I'm better than I thought at guessing about random background details.

A bit of feedback: The question about the comment count is a poor choice for a trivia game since the actual correct answer can change. Similarly, the last question is problematic because its answer is subjective, although it makes a kind of amusing "Gotcha!" moment at the end. All in all, though, not the worst as trivia goes.

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Rick2tails: 31 points . that was certainly not an easy quiz.

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Kazerad: 69/100 but I have qualms. That carpet is red!

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notabigthreat: This brown carpet is orange!

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AMKitsune: If I may,
You're most welcome.
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Millie: 34/100. Which is way better than I was expecting

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PermanentFace: You won't make a fool out of me that easily.

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bluedraggy: YAY! I was right! Nyanyanya! ORANGE! Just for that, have a Dodger trivia: https://goo.gl/forms/wOhRmKnNigZEsHx53

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bluedraggy: Er... https://goo.gl/forms/wOhRmKnNigZEsHx53 Dodger Trivia!

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DarthVader: Who knew that one of your questions is a callable number!

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DarthVader: Who knew that one of your questions is a callable phone number!

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fastolaf: @kazerad the most fakest prequel fan

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: Well, I did significantly worse in round two. 37/100. I even got the agents name wrong! (I have only just woken up though, so all his various names kind of blend together for me right now )

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Kazerad: 82/100. Thank you D.A.R.E.!

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Un_Mapache: I cheated.


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sauceror: >calls out Kazerad's spelling
>in the very next question writes "proprieter"

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bluedraggy: No I dint. It was the question after the next question.

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Unidentified_BA: https://i.gyazo.com/8bb2756f66377f4ef6f0821497e910a5.png

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FriendOfFennecs: @bluedraggy: I did very slightly better on the Dodger quiz. I got 53/100. The only thing I take issue with is Question #11 - the correct answer should be the correct answer no matter how snarkily we put it.

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gdfsgdfg: 9/100 time for me to drink some mead to forget

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bluedraggy: I get you FriendofFennecs. I was trying to be too cool by 1/2 but didn't consider that some would choose the last one! Fortunately Google Docs lets me pick more than one correct answer. I'll add the bottom one as correct too. Give yourself an extra 2 points (all #11 is worth). Oh heck throw another for reporting it.

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bluedraggy: Prequel Trivia #3 - Somewhat Easier Edition with 50% more copied images and 20% less snark. https://goo.gl/forms/aMvKbPsJ6OPc9KhI3

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bluedraggy: Dammit. BBCode! https://goo.gl/forms/aMvKbPsJ6OPc9KhI3

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AMKitsune: @bluedraggy: 75/100. That fact that the result is a perfect three quarters pleases me more than the fact that's it's a seemingly good score!

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FriendOfFennecs: @bluedraggy: Better. Thanks. That puts my score up to 56 for that one.

My score for the "easy" one is 65. I'm finally in the D range!
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YeOldeCuckolde: Garlas Agea is actually an ayleid ruin near the gold road where necromancers live. Also for more trivia, it's name roughly translates to "caverns of lore/secrets", ain't that cool?

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bluedraggy: Wow! thanks YeOldeCuckolde! I should go reword that question with that knowledge.

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Kazerad: @bluedraggy: 100/100! Though I take issue with

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CandyDragon: Wow. 49/100 and then 20/100 on Dodger. I did actually get the door opening question right though! With logic! Front doors always open inwards, and it would make sense to not obscure your characters, therefore the door would have to open from the left for artistic purposes. I think. I'm probably wrong.

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bluedraggy: Ill revise to calk it the first flash scene. And thats sounds like good logic to me CandyDragon!

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bluedraggy: Oh crap. I just spoiled an answer.

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scoopski: 90/100 that time!
Somewhat refreshing after getting less than 20 on the Dodger one

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bluedraggy: NEW TRIVIA: https://goo.gl/forms/egnb4jeydxnkq5WP2 It's Aggy's sidestory. Let's say medium-easy.

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FriendOfFennecs: @bluedraggy: 70/100 for that, so I'm barely in the C range now. If I can get really high scores on the next few ones, I may actually pass the Random Obscure Prequel Trivia class!

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DOOMGUY11: Oh no , I didn't study