DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Challenge the rules at your own peril. Image Uploader YeOldeCuckolde, July 3, 2018; 14:05 Tags animation artist:YeOldeCuckolde character:Katia_Managan dungeons Imperial_City rags spoilers Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible July 3, 2018; 14:11 - Reply YeOldeCuckolde: hire me Kaz July 3, 2018; 17:21 - Reply PermanentFace: This person has managed to finish your entire comic before you even got Katia out of Kvatch, Kaz. Clearly, they are the superior story-teller. July 3, 2018; 17:33 - Reply YeOldeCuckolde: @PermanentFace: But does it actually finish the story? July 3, 2018; 19:10 - Reply Rick2tails: poor katia *hugs* July 3, 2018; 20:11 - Reply Pocky: holy shit yeolde is back u have my favorite art style nn July 3, 2018; 20:39 - Reply PermanentFace: @YeOldeCuckolde: Thus ends the Prequel. What comes next is another story altogether. July 4, 2018; 01:38 - Reply SilentOrbweaver: "And that's the end of my story..." Also, was there a table in the starting cell in Oblivion? Honestly can't recall it. July 4, 2018; 01:48 - Reply ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: I need comic panels, do you do commissions? OldeCuck? July 4, 2018; 10:12 - Reply Sashimi: Awww, but look on the bright side, at least she has some clothes! Nice job YOC! July 4, 2018; 19:29 - Reply PermanentFace: There was a table, yes. July 4, 2018; 21:25 - Reply Skoon: And so begins the true story. July 5, 2018; 19:45 - Reply Rick2tails: Katia the hero adventurer! July 5, 2018; 23:23 - Reply scoopski: After Prequel, but not far enough to be a Sequel. Ladies and gents, we are looking at... Quel. July 6, 2018; 11:32 - Reply YeOldeCuckolde: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: you're talking about panels like this, right? or a more traditional comic book format? Hit me up on PM mate @scoopski: i wish this comment could be pinned on top. 10/10 July 8, 2018; 01:15 - Reply Toryu-Mau: ... Bet there's lockpick. Uncomfortably close. >);^] August 16, 2018; 09:23 - Reply Haroldisgod: @PermanentFace: wait is there a actual comic April 7, 2019; 10:53 - Reply H-Psycho: Wake up, kitty kitty.
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Also, was there a table in the starting cell in Oblivion? Honestly can't recall it.
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Ladies and gents, we are looking at... Quel.
@scoopski: i wish this comment could be pinned on top. 10/10
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