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Rick2tails: pineapple on a pizza is no crime!!

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bluedraggy: Sorry R2T, fruity pizza = crime. Get her Asotil! 7 days in jail for first offense. If you see any Emperors while you're in there fruitycat, you probably should follow them.

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scoopski: So this was the pineapple trick all along. No wonder she's so ashamed of the incident.

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MikeyTheFox: I guess it's time to abuse my Admin status and say that Pineapple on Pizza is totally fine!

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Toryu-Mau: @bluedraggy: ... But pineapple is a bromeliad trunk, so... It's a vegetable isn't it? >)B^?
( Pushes up nerd glasses and subsequently gets spitballed in the noggin. )

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Unidentified_BA: I'm going against mikey purely for the sake of contrarianism.

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PermanentFace: Why is a Skyrim guard issuing the challenge of an Imperial guard?

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Rick2tails: if Pineapple is a crime it is at most a very minor traffic ticket level. these are real crimes here! https://www.goliath.com/random/the-13-most-bizarre-and-disgusting-pizza-toppings/

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Evilpopcorn: @PermanentFace: Because pineapple on pizza is such a heinous act that he came all the way from Skyrim to stop it, but he has to observe local customs.

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Sashimi: I actually don't mind pineapple on pizza. (Angry mob appears, chanting:"BURN HIM! HE'S A WITCH!")

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AMKitsune: I like a nice bit on pineapple on a pizza as well.
Although I'm more confused/impressed right now by the fact that Katia can hold up a pizza that's already been cut into segments with no apparent plate/tray beneath it.
Also, who puts a whole pineapple slice in the middle? Is that normal?

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Toryu-Mau: @Sashimi: ... I second this notion, and anyone who disapproves of the concept has clearly never had Korean pineapple bulgogi pizza with stuffed crust. Mmm... . >):^]"

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Toryu-Mau: @AMKitsune: ... Witchhunter logic, M8. >);^]
And as for the center pineapple debbacle, it is most likely for even distribution.
... Because it would be "Politically incorrect" to take the last slice with a particular ingredient. LoL >)X^D
Not I, though! This one is an apportunistic raskal, and will snatch the last slice in a heartbeat. >);^D

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Sashimi: @Toryu-Mau: Hmmm, I think I'd like to try that!

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semiafro007: This is nothing, I once tryed pizza with banana