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Uploader Nicros_Man,
Tags artist:Nicros_Man character:Katia_Managan Undertale
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DOOMGUY11: I hope super katia isn't in my universe I would mistaken her for an enemy. But she does look kickass

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DOOMGUY11: That's a nice way to start a story she gotten to be the mage she wanted to be then pass it on

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DOOMGUY11: But also someone who may be against her? I cant really read the dialogue sadly

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Rick2tails: the dialogue is a bit difficult to read

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Nicros_Man: I'll help you guys! Asriel said: snif... I didn't mean to! I coundn't controle myself! snif... I'm so sorry!

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DOOMGUY11: Can I cry with them? I've been through alot myself

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Toryu-Mau: … Woah, Katia… you look… more Daedric then last time, M8! D^:(<
Or is this your Atronach side being a bit too literal? >):^?