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DOOMGUY11: Omg katia RIP and tear your nightmare monster, I did and it never came back you can beat if girl!

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Rick2tails: this is cute

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Sashimi: Wow! This is really touching NM! Well done!

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DOOMGUY11: Twinkle twinkle lil star?
*Dead space flashbacks*

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DOOMGUY11: Mom is actually dead

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Nicros_Man: @DOOMGUY11: What do you mean dead? She actually died in Kazerad's story?

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DOOMGUY11: Oh you haven't played dead space? It's just a reference Isaacs dead gf would hum the jingle when he hallucinated her

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DOOMGUY11: He thought she was alive throughout the entire game but really everytime he saw her it was his mind fooling him

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DOOMGUY11: Idk it's up to kazerad all we know is that she did have parents at some castle

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Nicros_Man: @DOOMGUY11: Oh ok, sorry. It was a Dead Space reference. Sorry, its been so long since I know the story of it.

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DOOMGUY11: Jeez when will she beat her nightmares?

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DOOMGUY11: It makes me feel bad

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DOOMGUY11: Bruh everytime y does the mom look like mine? XD

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AMKitsune: This is just too wholesome!

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Toryu-Mau: ... So precious, M8. The FEELS~ c^':(<

... Remembering the one my Mum used to sing...
~ Sleep soundly~ My baby~♪ Front yard and back hill's birds~ and the baby sheep are all~ asleep~♫

... I miss them all so much. Why did I have to be the only one left alive... . >):'^c
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ArtMartin: The story that made spielberg cry like a little Katia Managan