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DOOMGUY11: Khajiit is the perfect build for assassins, in talking gameplay wise not to racist XD

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Nicros_Man: @DOOMGUY11: Ok! The assassin symbole mix with Katia's head suppose to represent Katia. Not the Khajiits.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Is Sigrid about to preach to Katia "You're the Bad Guy"? >):^?

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DOOMGUY11: @Toryu-Mau: my exact thoughts m8

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Nicros_Man: @Toryu-Mau: Katia: "Oh yeah?! Well you're a templar! Templars always want power, and THAT'S BAD! Templars kill innocent people for fun! So, I'm not the bad guy, Sigrid Borgia! The assassins are only here to stop the templars!"

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Nicros_Man: Katia: "Well... The silence says it all!"