DAEDRIC FUN TIP: We are watching you. Image Uploader POMA, October 12, 2018; 00:52 Tags character:Katia_Managan character:Sigrid questionable Sigrid's_dungeon Sigrid's_Robes text very_casually_underdressed Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible October 12, 2018; 01:37 - Reply Sashimi: Kat looks good in blue! October 12, 2018; 01:40 - Reply Geravind: You look like eighty five thousand septim, Katy! ...опять узнал твой стиль за милю по тхумбнаилу -- это излечимо? October 12, 2018; 02:11 - Reply Rick2tails: probably should have a questionable tag. also I approve of both of their outfits! XD October 12, 2018; 04:16 - Reply Streetwind: Someone hand Sigrid a can of paint, so she can get decent. October 14, 2018; 00:27 - Reply durandal: Feels like I'm wearin' Nothing at all Nothing at all Nothing at all October 15, 2018; 00:44 - Reply DOOMGUY11: @durandal: Something at all! October 15, 2018; 11:33 - Reply Rick2tails: @durandal stupid sexy Sigrid!
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...опять узнал твой стиль за милю по тхумбнаилу -- это излечимо?
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Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
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