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Uploader lapma,
Tags artist:lapma booze character:Katia_Managan featured_masterpiece knock_off Kvatch_arena_armor
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scoopski: Congratulations fam!

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Zargothrax: Well deserved!

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PermanentFace: Damn it... In theory this should bear the 'featured_masterpiece' tag, considering how the featured masterpiece is featured so prominently in frame. But in itself, it is not a featured masterpiece, and thus may not be assigned that prestigious tag. I am so conflicted.

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Toryu-Mau: ... Three huzzas for the occasion, M8~! >):^D

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scoopski: @PermanentFace: The only solution is to make this the Featured Masterpiece instead.

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Zargothrax: @scoopski: You like infinite recursions don't you?

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DOOMGUY11: OMG what an achievement congrats!

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AMKitsune: @PermanentFace: I think I solved your problem

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Grape: The sad thing about this is that the actual art won't be the masterpiece over halloween

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Kazerad: @Grape: Since you're head in time zones, how about one of you Brits just change it back tomorrow so the Trick Or Treat one is featured for Halloween?

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