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Vinarto: I like how you merged the oblivion symbol and the assassin's creed symbol. Plus I think Katia would like the assassins outfit because of the hood. So she can show off her ear trick with all her assassin friends.

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DOOMGUY11: Katia is a assassin now? Typical khajiit.... XD

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AMKitsune: You know, it's funny how these assassins are just as obvious with their armour/uniform as the dark brotherhood typically are. You'd think that an organisation of assassins would go for a more plain clothes approach, wouldn't you?

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BlackMessa: ohhh this is from battlefield isn't it?

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Kavro: Ah yes, the secret orders of assassins that love their flamboyant symbolism and wear conspicuous uniforms so you know exactly who the sneakiest, stealthiest, most blended-in one on the block is. I somehow get the feeling Katia would sign up for the free garb and wrist knife then GTFO. Not like she hasn't done so before.