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Uploader Nicros_Man,
Tags artist:Nicros_Man batman character:Katia_Managan crossover DC HISHE Kvatch_arena_armor
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Nicros_Man: Katia in the Super-Cafe from HISHE

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damrok4321: IM BATMAN!

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Rick2tails: "and thats how I defeated Sigrid" "I`m impressed in your ingenuity Katia" "I`d have done it better..cuz I`m Batman"

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Toryu-Mau: ... Boi, it's awkward in there. >)':^/

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Nicros_Man: The scenario would have gone like this:
SUPERMAN: So Sigrid wasn't evil after all?
KATIA: Nope! Aparentely, she's just an innocent person being poison by her own charm!
BATMAN: Well, that's kind of desapointing! I really thought she was going to be your arch ennemy!
KATIA: I really thought of that too! I was expecting that I would get my stuff back right after I defeated Sigrid in battle and save Kvatch from her mind-controlling spell! But it turns out I was mistaken! Instead, it was an awkward conversation and she talk to me about "There-is-no-Good-or-Evil-in-this-world-none-sense"!
BATMAN: Well you can tell her that she's wrong! Because we are in a world of Super Heroes and Super Villains here!
SUPERMAN: Speaking of Super Villains, what scenario do you imagine it would be like if Sigrid was in the Villain Pub?
BATMAN: I just imagined she would brain washed everyone!
SUPERMAN: So, if Sigrid is not the villain in your story, who would you think it could be?
KATIA: I don't know.
BATMAN: Me, I think it will be Stephan!
KATIA: What, you mean Sigrid's friend?
BATMAN: Yes! Here the reasons: First, when Katia showed up, he act cold to her. Second, Rajiira might be hired by Stephan as well. Third, why would he tell Katia how to infiltrate Sigrid's guild, if she was his friend? And Fourth, he just look suspicious with that hood!
KATIA: Wow! I never thought of that!
BATMAN: I'm just saying! Maybe I'm wrong, but I doubt it! Do you know why?
SUPERMAN: Katia, do not ask him why!
KATIA: Why I sh...

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Haroldisgod: Dammit, the grammar and spelling errors are internally bugging me

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Nicros_Man: @Haroldisgod: Sorry about that, my computer is french.

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Sashimi: Hey, you capture the HISHE style well!

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DOOMGUY11: Katia's eyes though XD

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DarthVader: I’m sorry I don’t think you’ll get this to be on their channel just like how nothing works out for me. But it’s good art nonetheless