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Uploader desmormos,
Tags angry blushing character:Katia_Managan claws Cloak_of_Gray_Tomorrow looking_badass
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desmormos: stomp stomp

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COBA_RU: Welcome to the Fanart, bro!

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Rick2tails: why so serious Katia?
this is lovely art though!

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Norad2: The claws are OUT!

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Zargothrax: Absolutely badass!

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vsauce4: woah the detail is wonderful
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bjornhansenthemansen: There's times when you just can't shitpost on something.

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KuroNeko: great art, I love her face. Realyy good job on the details, especially on her clothes.
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Weasel: This is obviously great, but there was one thing about this whole image that makes it look a little weird, and maybe you already saw this, but, uh.
As is, the neck looks like it attaches to the head just under the left side of the chin, especially because the light follows the same unbroken line down the cheek to the neck,
and because there isn't any line or coloration distinguishing the end of the weird furry cat beard, specifically over the neck.

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Skoon: @Weasel: Yeah I'd say it's the lighting and shadow that does it. Your aforementioned unbroken line. The neck is in the right place anatomically though. Shadowing can be a bitch sometimes, believe me, I know.

Overall excellent piece, regardless.

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Zargothrax: @bjornhansenthemansen: Perhaps look up the symbolic meaning of shit in different cultures mythology and literature to acquire a deeper understanding on the meaning of shit. Don't just talk shit. Be the shit. I have faith in you bjornhansenthemansen.
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bjornhansenthemansen: @Zargothrax: u dont fukin control me

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desmormos: @Weasel you're right and I didn't notice. Thank you!!

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desmormos: @Weasel: you're right and I didn't notice at first. Thank you! (asdf sorry for double post didn't know how to actually reply)

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Sashimi: Very nice art! Katia is cute when she's mad!