DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Think before you post. Not even Stendarr will forgive you. Image Uploader Tabby_Catface, April 10, 2019; 17:27 Tags artist:Tabby_Catface blushing booze character:Katia_Managan drunk modern_clothing smiling Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible April 10, 2019; 18:35 - Reply Sashimi: Awww, Cute pic! Enjoying a nice glass of....grape juice I hope? April 10, 2019; 21:16 - Reply Rick2tails: yes non alcoholic grape juice for me and mai waifu kitty ! *clinks glass and offers her a cheese and cracker plate* April 11, 2019; 00:20 - Reply Tabby_Catface: TY. just trying to bring you some pleasant moments with your best waifu PS: yeah... it was a wine in her glass April 11, 2019; 00:56 - Reply ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Imagine just taking Katia out on a date, somewhere really nice and fancy. April 11, 2019; 06:18 - Reply bluedraggy: I imagine a date with Katia. An uptown date, so to speak. A date that is up. An up-date. Some things are very nice to imagine. April 11, 2019; 08:48 - Reply Un_Mapache: This is cute af and I love it. April 12, 2019; 19:31 - Reply APayne1776: That's adorable July 11, 2019; 08:46 - Reply Tabby_Catface: ...who the hell did This with my tags and source line? July 11, 2019; 10:59 - Reply AMKitsune: @Tabby_Catface: Whoever it was, they've been banned and your images tags have been reverted. July 11, 2019; 15:07 - Reply Tabby_Catface: @AMKitsune: Thank you. Really.
Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible
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PS: yeah... it was a wine in her glass
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