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Rick2tails: hehe I see pics like this and all I see is "ych $25" or something similar. I know why people draw "anon" or in dirty art just the goods interacting with a character but it always looks so silly to me. Good to see Katia go for it though

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vsauce4: @Rick2tails: that's kind of extreme to ask for $25 but yeah I understand your point of view. I want everyone to be the character because it gives us closure knowing how much Katia loves you or the "what if she did" aspect.

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Rick2tails: @vsauce4 I pulled $25 out of my butt as an example .I wasnt saying thats what ych should cost or that this is even a ych.I was just saying I see that in my head when seeing anon pics

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vsauce4: @Rick2tails: but still, rationally speaking

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ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Thread Theme:

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damrok4321: @ThatGuyWithAKhajiitWaifu: Id give you upvote because you made me laugh hard, but since we don't have those here I'm just saying that I give you upvote.