All beings within Mundus are but characters on the stage of fate and should be tagged as such with "character:" before their names.


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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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An_Existence: But why?
Popcorn is the Best!

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Rick2tails: is she saying no to cybercorn?

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Rick2tails: also this is beautiful art!

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Sashimi: This makes me giggle for....reasons.

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EK_lance: Should I post cornless version?

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AMKitsune: @EK_lance: ... NO.
Seriously though, the corn doesn't obscure the picture in any way and adds a much needed degree of context.
Personally, I don't think there necessarily needs to be a second version, but then again, more variety is always better (when it doesn't take over and clutter up the place). If you want to, I'd suggest embedding the cornless version here in the comments of the original. That way they're kept together without adding near identical duplicates to the main gallery.

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KuroNeko: But popcorn coocked in a flame atronach's fire is the best.
Very cute art.
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somethingsomething: You know, a popcorn making atronach would be a great addition to Katia's party tricks.

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EK_lance: @AMKitsune: How do I embend again?

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AMKitsune: @EK_lance: put the url of the image you want to display between [img] tags like this.

(it's important that the url actually leads to an image file. There's a full text formatting guide in the lexicon/help page)

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PermanentFace: Another one I can't edit.