Unimaginable suffering shall be granted to those that do not tag properly.


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KuroNeko: I'm not entierely satisfied with how this one turned out, I should have added some shading to Katia in the first two panels and added some background in the last two to make them look less empty.

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bluedraggy: Oof!

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DarthVader: @KuroNeko: Haha! Good KuroNeko! Kill her!!!

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Krozbott: @DarthVader you truely are as evil as you are in the movies, aren't ya

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Sashimi: GAH! This isn't what I wanted to see happen to little Kat.

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Cloud: AHHHHH! You are SICK KuroNeko! SICK!

(Although you did do quite a good job with this comic thing.)

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Skoon: Really good work!

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Dominik: Looks great but i must that something cracked in my chest

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Zargothrax: My previous comment broke, and it may have even broken the page a little, so mods, please remove it...
But basically what I wanted to say is that stabbing a little kitten is hearthless, even for a daedra. There is a special place in Oblivion for them.

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KuroNeko: @DarthVader: nah

@Sashimi: Don't worry she's fine, it's just a flesh wound.

@Cloud: He he, Thanks.

@Skoon: Thank you

@Dominik: Thanks and don't worry it's a pretty normal reaction, it hurt me too and I'm the one drawing it.

@Zargothrax: Yeah, a place filled with rainbows and pastel colored ponies, that'll teach them.

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DarthVader: @KuroNeko: Kill her, Kill her now!

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CorvusRichardFarhent: Alright... Sometimes you can't expect happy thoughts in bad times...

But dude, that burn something deep inside me
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Arcikeligo: o7 Kat.