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Modern era Cyrodiil. Inside the basement of a mental hospital.

Chesha Managan where enjoying herself with a bottle of milk while looking at her micro-TV. She wasn’t looking at much but a black and white Orc movie from awhile back. Supposedly a family movie, except with swearing and sex. It isn’t a family movie. It really wasn’t. It was quite obvious.

It was a dark basement yes but Chesha was a Khajiit so it didn’t bother her much since she can see in the dark. But for now she’s watching TV so she had it off so her eyes won’t bleed in-front of the screen. None of the lights worked down here as the hospital doesn’t wanna bother with the electricity in ’just’ the pan room. They had their reasons for it too. But it doesn’t bother little Managan because, she was used to the darkness.

She’s starting to hear noises from the upper floor. It kinda sounded like 2 Redguard nurses fighting over a lasagna. How in oblivion they found a lasagna in the lower levels is beyond her. Maybe there was a fridge somewhere she didn’t know about. But yet again, she doesn’t know much about anything in this structure for the mental sick. The only room she’s allowed to be in is in this basement.

It became silent for a moment. Then her master started breathing heavily again. She looked at him. He’s still on his wheelchair all old and naked across the other part of the room. He hadn’t gotten any treatment for several weeks and are starting to smell.. Funny and.. He got a-lot of brain tumours and such too. The old Breton don’t have a-lot of social skills or he can’t talk whatsoever to be true. The only physical thing he can do is emit noises and cry a-bit. It’s been for weeks now and Chesha hasn’t even bothered to talk to her master. So she decided, to walk towards him.

When next to him, Chesha lowered herself down and greeted him. ”Hello master.” Her master said nothing but she continued. ”Do you what time it is?” He said nothing. ”Hugy time perhaps?” He still said nothing. Chesha planned her next words to brighten things up. ”Are you still alive?” The room turned brighter.

Chesha looked behind her. It was doctor Horton that interrupted. ”How’s the patient Chesha? Is he alright?” Chesha turned to inspect her master then turned back to the doctor and said ”He’s just great.” The doctor walked in. Chesha believes that he wanted something from her master so she stepped aside. Doctor Horton was now next to master. Horton then passionately began to kiss him in the mouth and playing with his tongue. After 10 seconds the doctor stopped and stood up. He said ”Thank you father.” Then he slapped the old man in the face.

He walked towards Chesha while eating a sandwich. ”You want sandwich?” Chesha declined. She got everything she ever wanted already. The doctor agreed and walked out of the room. He shut the door and left the room in darkness yet again. Chesha wanted to continue watching that weird Orc movie but instead she’ll focus her attention towards her master for one final question. ”Do you know if my son is well? Master?”
Uploader NotGod,
Tags character:your_weird_OC dwemer_technology fanfiction questionable text
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NotGod: I had fun here :3

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OgTariq: i am confused

also welcome to the fanart page

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NotGod: What? It's just about Katia's Descendant who works at a mental hospital.

And thanks

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Dominik: I have read it, don't regret it and i am waiting what will happen next.

In one word: Nice. Welcome aboard.

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NotGod: I don't think I can continue with this. Not like this because it's too "Special" for me to work with. It also demanded great imagination.

I don't plan on continue with this but I've been thinking about if Chesha had a story of her own. Set on a 90's like Tamriel. It'll be much to work with (Lore, architecture, modern names for each province) and knowing myself, I might not make it till the end. I haven't gotten much of a strong drawing style. But if it's a good or even great idea to modernize Tamriel to the likes of the 90's then I can try.

Well I can't do it alone cause I never did something big alone. But thanks anyway.

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OgTariq: @NotGod: Perhaps maybe i can help you with this, im usually good with lore and story. If you want to, then lets talk on Pm's.

Its always good to bring your imagination into something real

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NotGod: Great! I'll keep this in mind. For now I'm about to make Stitchies. (Not related to Disney but more like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E2hkCsqUAw)