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Tags Blade character:Katia_Managan criminal_scum monochrome Strength tears
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damrok4321: I will fucking rip his both arms off if he does something to her >:d

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Zargothrax: Prequel is set in a cruel world where cats do not have their "D'awww" effect on people, and most of them would probably rather see them gone forever. Black irony it is, that she got subjected to what her kind is mostly indicted of. Kind reminder that this is not a happy comic.

Also, screw you, I just made a funny redraw of this scene, but now I'd feel bad about uploading it so I guess I'll have to wait a few days
Nicely conveyed emotions though

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KuroNeko: Welp, it looks like it's orc hunting season again, just let me grab my sword.
Very good drawing though.

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Zargothrax: @Egg: Best edit I've seen in a while

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AMKitsune: @Egg: The original image, as impressive as it is, makes me sad . This edit, on the other hand, makes me happy .
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SilentOrbweaver: @Egg: Woah. And this is your first message? Good job! Please do more!

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Jadezzar: I'd happily watch Gharug got cooked alive by Kat...

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Cloud: @Egg: I applaud you my good sir!

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Dominik: Damn, i hate that orc