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Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible

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KuroNeko: Based on semiafro007's comic first page.

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Miki: All scaly have a dragon dream.

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semiafro007: Then she will marry a donkey. I love that Quill is smiling, that's what she wants to happen

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AMKitsune: In her dreams, she's crushing buildings with her stony scaled feet and swiping entire armies away with broad swinging blows from her mighty tail.
In reality, her leg's twitching like a dog's and the tip of her tail's flicking back and forth across the floor.

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Haroldisgod: I think it’s something to do about her neighbor

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Zargothrax: Epic! And cute. Really well drawn! Nice original take on the wizard robe. I also like how you managed to make her look non-questionable and naked at the same time by making her draconian

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KuroNeko: @Miki: I can understand, being an unstopable murderlizard must be amazing.

@semiafro007: Yup she just want to solve all her problems Alduin style.

@AMKitsune: this sounds absolutely adorable, I need to draw that !

@Haroldisgod: That and a bunch of other stuff that is wrong in her life.

@Zargothrax: Thank you very much.
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aracialsluragainstkhajits: i never knew how much i wanted to see this- is that a female aggy? ok nevermind,no. this is the WORST thing. how dare you disrespect our lord!
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aracialsluragainstkhajits: or am i just very bad at things and oh god ive already forgotten so many thigns how does aggy look again oh wait maube thats a normal ;elf im a doofus fricc

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KuroNeko: @aracialsluragainstkhajits: @aracialsluragainstkhajits: Don't worry it's just Arvena, Quill-Weave's Dunmer neighbour who have pet rats.

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Kisargo_the_Khajiit: Love it