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KuroNeko: More bartender.

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OgTariq: i love the way u do bartender

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Dominik: Nice one.

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semiafro007: The barman looks like William Shatner singing rocket man

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Rick2tails: yay! you dont mess with the bartender ! :)

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bluedraggy: Those bags under his eyes... Bartender has seen some shit.

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KuroNeko: @OgTariq: Glad you like it

@Dominik: Thanks.

@semiafro007: lol, it truly does.

@Rick2tails: You better not, he always keeps a fire wand close by, for rude customers and the occasional daedric attack.

@bluedraggy: Yes and as a result he has a very low tolerance for a certain yellow Khajiit's antics.

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Evilpopcorn: A fire wand in a place that sells copious amounts of alcohol sounds like a really bad idea...

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KuroNeko: @Evilpopcorn: Now that I think about it, you're right, but a fire wand is the closest thing to a shotgun I could think of.