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KuroNeko: I just bought the ancient dwarven wonder which gave me the idea for drawing this.
I also wanted to have asotil step on a lego but I remembered that imperial legionaires are so strong they don't hurt if they step on a lego brick.

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semiafro007: This is what happens when you play with Lego expert. Now we’ll never be able to see the millennium falcon finnished

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semiafro007: Could you upload a picture of the “Lego” when you finish it? I'm curious to know how it would look like

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PermanentFace: I wonder if I should go back and add the "choking_hazard" tag to every post I can think of.

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OgTariq: @ semi i can send u sum pics if u want

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AMKitsune: No Katia, that's not what you're meant to do with lego. Now cough those bricks out and let that be a lesson for you to not put random things in your mouth.
Also, Quill looks like she's putting her imagination to good use there. Let's just hope no-one walks in on her in such a compromising state .

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scoopski: @AMKitsune: "No Quill, I didn't see you playing with your dolls again"

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Zargothrax: reminds me of >>78

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: Sure but it might take a while before I receive it.

@PermanentFace: If you do, don't forget to put it on every Gharu Gro-upp images (I'm sorry)

@OgTariq: Wait you already got it, was this sold before? I thought it was new.

@AMKitsune: Haha thank you for putting these into motion, this looks great.

@Zargothrax: I was going to draw something like that as a follow up (the only difference was that it was Quill having a lewd dream) but it looks like someone had the idea before me.

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Dominik: I guess Katia didn't like the taste of Lego

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semiafro007: @OgTariq, sure, let’s see those “Legos”

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OgTariq: @ kuro neko well no it was a secret option for the hood size thing, i never bought some one sent me pics
@ semiafro007 here you go

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Rick2tails: wait is there a real lego thing kaz offered but didnt tell anyone?

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lapma: @Rick2tails: it is in shop now, ancient dwarven wonder

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KuroNeko: @OgTariq: Oh so that's what the lego minifigure size was. Wait does that means the cat sized hood came with a real cat.

@Rick2tails: From what I understand it was a surprise for the people crazy enough to pay 35 dollars for a lego minifigure sized mage hood.

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KuroNeko: @semiafro007: Since Og Tariq posted normal pictures of the set I decided to be be creative.

A little too creative maybe?

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semiafro007: @KuroNeko: No, just perfect