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Uploader AMKitsune,
Tags artist:lapma character:nightmare_king monochrome portrait silhouette
Source Unknown
Locked No

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AMKitsune: A little while ago when thinking up ideas for the Halloween theme thing, we considered putting the nightmare king in the background of the site before changing over to the soul cairn theme that we ended up using.
Lapma very kindly provided this vector of said king which was going to remain mostly invisible until the 'lightning' in the background flashed, revealing his ominous silhouette for a few seconds before fading away again.

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OgTariq: thats pretty cool, but im more wandering about the thumbnail picutre

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AMKitsune: @OgTariq: The booru doesn't know how to display thumbnails for svg files, so Kazerad made a generic one to get the job done.

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OgTariq: ohhhh ok

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Rick2tails: sPoOkY !