Play nicely with other mortals. For we shall not play nicely with you.
Before the Crisis…
Ten year later…
Cyrodiil, 3E433
All things considered, his fortune had been better. However, he’s quite content about his earnings that week.
“Not bad for a freelancing adventurer and mercenary” thought the young Cathay-raht, as he walked on the roads of Kvatch that night. Part of his boots that not covered by schynbald had been splattered by mud and blood of bandits and beasts that roamed between Cheydinhal and Chorrol. He wore a hauberk that extended to his thigh, fastened around hip by a leather belt with metal plates, and further secured by an Imperial steel triple disc cuirass worn on top of the steel mail armor. His shoulders are protected by a pair of steel pauldrons that also partially protect his neck. Further protection that completed his set of panoply are provided by paddings for his armor, a pair of gauntlets and poleyn. On his hips hang a pair of swords made from silver, one long and one short, on his back a quiver filled to the brim with silver arrows and his backpack, where he hung his imperial helmet. His bow, made from composite materials, hangs from his left shoulder, so it could be quickly brought to bear, if necessary. Yet, as Jadezzar strode past the guards on the gate, after quite an extensive questioning from the guards suspicious of a dirty and bloodied Khajiit, he’s pretty sure it would be a safe and quiet night for him. Too tired to look for a proper inn, he settled to stay his first night in Kvatch right next to the Chapel of Akatosh, on a corner protected by roof from the elements. He knew Martin, one of the priests in there, because he had met him in one of his journeys. Every time he looked at him, there’s a strange, almost majestic and soothing, yet encouraging aura he felt. But right now, he doesn’t think that anyone in the chapel is still awake, and he just wanted to sleep, even if it means sleeping on the stairs like a beggar. He had suffered worse, though, so he just grins as he slept. As he tried to bury dark thoughts from his memories…
He opened one of his eyes, sensing something is amiss on the air.
“Dammit. There’s something wrong. But, what is it? Why can I smell something burning? And why is there a light coming from behind me?”. Then, a realization struck him hard, as he felt the heat and sprang to his feet. The chapel is burning and he heard voices cry out for help.
“By the Gods! there is a fire going on! and there is someone trapped inside! SHIT!” Jadezzar leapt away. He ran as fast as he could onto the nearest guard.
The guard simply stared in horror, before he ran toward the castle. Soon, nearly the entire city of Kvatch is awakened, as dozens of men, mer and beast folk attempted to put out the fire. Jadezzar himself ran back and forth, carrying water and putting out smaller flames, to no avail, even as rain fell upon the city. He suspected that the fire isn’t mundane, but magical. “But, who could start a fire as large as this one? A powerful and trained mage? A deranged Master of Destruction? Maybe even Daedra?” He thought, as he emptied the ninth bucket into the flames.
“Could it burn the entire city?” Some people asked, and answered by a guard “Heavens, I hope not. Pray to the Nine it would soon subside. '' And apparently, the Nine answered, as suddenly the flame got significantly smaller and smaller before it entirely dies off.
“Someone must check in” One of the citizens looked inside.
“Maybe there’s someone inside? He or she could have seen the culprit, or maybe they are the culprit!” Another civilian spoke.
It took some time, before a group of volunteers entered the chapel. Jadezzar walked in first, followed by a few guards, mercenaries, mages and a random Imperial Legionnaire that happened to pass through the city that night.
“Fifty Septims it's the work of a very dangerous mage” a guardsmen spoke.
“Or a sign from the Divines?” one of the mage shivers.
“Or, maybe, we all should stop speculating and investigate. I have my own theory, that it’s an uncontrolled fire from a mage that lose control, from my own experience. My sister, a spellsword, initially can’t control the flame she cast. Took her weeks and some singed furs before she finally managed to fully control it, and months to master it” Jadezzar grunts, before he motioned the others to stop.
“Hey. Did, did anyone hear that? Soft, almost inaudible crying? Or whimpers? Judging from the voice, can’t be human or mer” Jadezzar squints, before turning his natural Khajiiti night vision on.
“Yeah, but we don’t know where it came from, Khajiit.” the Imperial Legionnaire spoke. Jadezzar scanned his surroundings, until he spotted something strange .
“I think we’re one step closer. Look, I think I might’ve found a witness. Or maybe the culprit?” Jadezzar looked at the others.
“Whe…you mean that strange yellowish golden Khajiit shaped pile over there, big guy?” another random Khajiit mercenary, an Ohmes-raht, pointed at a place near the altar. Jadezzar and the others slowly approach it, but only Jadezzar dared to came very close to the creature. Or rather, a young Cathay girl who apparently fell unconscious. Jadezzar kneeled and carefully observed her features closely, before a very harsh realization struck him.
“Someone get a blanket or bed cover, anything. She’s butt naked. What looks like underwear are apparently just paint. Quick, before more people sees her!” Jadezzar shouted at the rest of the group, before staring at her again.
Hmm, you’re a rather beautiful girl, far more so than my mother, Mtizsha or Darokisha. But the strangest thing is, have we met before? Your face and features reminds me to someone from my past, but who? And why? Jadezzar thought.
“Do you know her? Why do you look at her as if she means anything, Khajiit? “A guardsmen asked Jadezzar, while carrying a blanket large enough to cover her body.
“I don’t know her. But she seems very familiar, like someone from my past. Maybe it’s unimportant. Maybe it’s important. I don’t really know” Jadezzar carefully covered her.
“Since this is a holy place, I’d suggest taking her down to the chapel hall. It would be inappropriate to leave her here. Many people could see her. Besides, we’ll need a place where some people could question her” suggested a Breton mage. Jadezzar nodded, and signaled three other people to carry the young Khajiit down to the chapel hall.
“Well, one of us could have done it on their own, she’s light.” one of the people, an Orc, grunts, as they placed her on a bedroll.
“Which makes me feel bad for her. Underweight, naked and apparently drunk. Less likely candidate to be the one who started the fire, or maybe more likely. We don’t know yet. Still, though, what she says could be valuable. Khajiit, would you stay and watch over her? If what one of the guardsmen said earlier is true, then maybe she’ll recognize you. That way, it would be less likely for her to panic” the Imperial Legionnaire spoke at the Cathay-raht mercenary. Jadezzar nods, as he sat on the floor, back against the wall across her.
“A healer better check on her, and maybe a few guards too, to question her when she's regained consciousness. Everyone else should disperse the people and start to clean up the chapel” The Imperial Legionnaire commands. In mere minutes the crowds finally disperse, although a few guards and people remain to tidy up and stand guard in case something happens. Meanwhile, Jadezzar keep staring at the Cathay, as he sank deep in his memories.
“I could see that she probably means something for you, Ja’Khajiit. Who is she?” the healer asked.
“I, I think she’s someone I met in the past. I’m still trying to remember who she is, though” Jadezzar replied. Then, he remembered, when he and his family caravan visited Hammerfell few years ago.
“I remember now, healer. She might be the daughter of a pair of Khajiit farmers from Hammerfell. My family caravan passed near their farm. That’s when I think I first met her, ten years ago. I fought three Duneripper to return her guar doll. I hope I’m correct.” he looked at the healer.
“Interesting story you got there, Ja’Khajiit. Anyway, I’ll go check on her every few hours and so” The healer approached her.
“ I’ll rest here, if you don't mind. Fought bandits and beasts few times on the road. I’m too tired at this moment. Night, healer” Jad moaned and closed his eyes.
She opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. The last thing she could remember, before passing out as fire rose around her, is that she was screaming for help in the chapel. Now she sat on the chapel hall, which means sometime after she lost consciousness and suffered another nightmare, some people had moved her. She shuddered as she remembered her latest nightmare, as she tried to fight off the monster.
“Hey, Ja’Khajiit. You're finally awake. Listen up, if you answer our questions, you could walk away without any scratch” a guard stood in front of her.
“Cooperate, young one. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be safe. Remember, Imperial law said presumed guilty until proven otherwise” Jadezzar spoke, leaning against one of the pillars, his golden brown eyes bore directly at the Cathay. He only wore his gambeson, and the Cathay could see his dark brown fur with black stripes, as he walked closer. Something is familiar in the way he moves and stares at her, and she noticed the furs below his cheeks, as well as his ear tuft, is remarkably similar to an old acquaintance. The difference though, is that this large Cathay-raht has a darker, somewhat rough and hardened aura, something that she knows didn’t exist in someone she met years ago.
“So, what's your name and what were you doing in the chapel, miss…?” the guard asked, while fiddling with a paper and a quill.
“Er... Managan. Katia Managan. I...I got into the chapel because it rained” Katia began to speak, while judging whether or not she should disclose the exact reason why she was naked and how she had lost nearly all of her belongings, unsure whether her interrogators would believe her.
“Just that? Why don’t you go into inns or someplace else? There are people you know here, right?” the guard asked again as he squinted his eyes.
“No. I also lost nearly all of my belongings. Including a valuable object that I should give to my friend in Anvil” She looks down at the floor. She hated to admit, but right now, she’s in her lowest point she ever knows, worse than when she had lost money and many other items to Gharug.
“How did you lose them? And what did you see in the Chapel?” Jadezzar raised his eyebrow, sensing something bad had happened to her.
“You two would not believe it. There’s no point to tell. And. And. And I accidentally started a fire” She started to cry.
“Eh, that still doesn’t explain the puddle of mead or how you lost your belongings. And how you accidentally started the fire?” the guard pressed on, although he tried to soften his tones.
“I’m a failure! I failed to contain the fire as it suddenly shows up, I can’t control it! I failed to stand up to her! I...I...” She cried, prompting Jadezzar who, feeling somewhat sympathetic to her, sat next to her and patted her on the back.
“Katia, try to come down, please. It was an accident, don’t blame yourself. And, given what happened, I don’t think she will go to jail, right? “I will pay her bounty in any case.” Jadezzar looked at the guard.
“Nah, it will be recorded, but most likely written off as an accident, since the damage isn’t as bad as it seems, after I talked with some people. It’s not like a planned attack on the chapel, and anyway, looking at you, Katia, not many will trust that you are the one who started it. Well, except the chapel workers and few other people. Anyway, I don’t think there’s many things I could do here, so…” the guard walked away, before Katia suddenly asked.
“I…won’t go to jail?”
“No, kid, and given what had happened to you...” the guard momentarily stopped as he thought something to say next. “But you better speak to the workers and apologize” the guard grunted and walked upstairs.
Katia just stared in disbelief, before her eyes moved to Jadezzar. “Well, I don’t think there’s many other reasons to stay here. I’ll go…” Jadezzar stood and walked to the corner and started strapping on his equipment and sorting through his items.
“Wait. Have we met before? You seem familiar. And I need clothes, unless I have to use this sheet to cover myself up.” Katia spoke.
“Yeah, well, don’t worry. Here, I have a spare pair of trousers and shirt. Doubt it would fit, so I’d suggest you got something else. And cover yourself too under that blanket thing you use” Jadezzar walked back to her and tossed her a shirt and a pair of trousers, several sizes bigger than hers.
“As for your question, well, we might have, in our past. Back when I’m still with my family caravan. Still not really sure” Jadezzar continues.
“So, you’re from a caravan?” Katia continued, in broken Ta’agra.
“I was, Katia. When I turned eighteen, I decided to make my own path as a mercenary. My parents are mercenaries too in their youth. Dad even fought in the Five Years War against the Bosmer of Valenwood as a scout and later as a cavalry group leader under his father command, and then in the War of Betony as a mercenary on the side of King Lysandus, and then King Gothryn of Daggerfall, after Lysandus got killed” Jad sat next to Katia.
“Oh. It’s very interesting. Is, is he a good father?” Katia asked, inviting a smile from Jadezzar.
“Good? He’s the best! Mother and father are the best parents I could ever ask for. They had warned me about being a mercenary. Yet I kept insisting. They finally allow me, and, well, helped me. Should've known better, though. ” He sighed, before noticing that Kat already wore his clothing. “Hey. That’s fast.” Jadezzar grins.
“Yeah. I’m quite fast at getting in and out of clothing. By the way, did your caravan ever passes through Hammerfell? I recalled that I had met a few trade caravans in my youth. Maybe, maybe that’s why you are familiar.” Katia began to smile.
“Yeah. Ten years ago. Had my first truly challenging fight there against few monsters” Jadezzar replies.
“Ah. That reminds me. I used to have a guar doll. One day me and my mother went to this one caravan. There I met this Cathay-raht who was really nice to me, as well as his sisters, a Cathay and a Ohmes. I played with his sisters, until I dropped my guar doll downhill. There’s a few Duneripper there. I cried, then out of nowhere this Cathay-raht suddenly charged” Katia smiled as she recollects her memory.
“This Cathay-raht, he then killed one of the Dunerippers, returns to the camp injured, and handed the doll to a cute Cathay kitten?” Jadezzar chuckled.
“Yes. He told me his name. uhh Wait, I know it. You are that Cathay-raht, Jadezzar! I hadn’t forgot your name.” Katia let out a laugh, before looking at Jadezzar again.
“Time flies, doesn't it? Last time we met, we’re both young kittens, hehe.” Jadezzar stared at her, a little smile on the edge of his mouth.
“Yeah. Anyways, I gotta get going, there’s some things that I should do, so, uh, thanks for the clothes, Jad. Maybe we'll meet again?” Katia jumped up to on her feet.
“Well, I’ll stay in Kvatch for few days, so, we’ll see each other again. Now that you mentioned it, I’ll go to a blacksmith. My gear needs some serious repairs.” Jadezzar picked up his gear and walked, Katia trailing behind him. “So, what are you going to do next ?” Jadezzar asked.
“Well…I…uh” Katia momentarily remembered her troubles, before telling him what happened as they walked upstairs, stopping for apologizing to Weedum-Ja, who understandably looked upset.
“I’ll go to the arena, looking for an armor or something else that fit my size” she said after finishing her tale.
“Whoa. That’s a bloody long and tragic story, Kat. Well, good luck. If you need help, just ask. I’ll find an inn and then get my equipment fixed. See you later” Jadezzar smiled, and walked away.
“Well, a small spot of hope in my otherwise ruined life. Off to arena, then” thought Katia, before she covered herself with the blanket.
Jadezzar looked back at Katia, sighed and walked again. “Poor girl. Hope I could help her. Even if my own life is at stake. Maybe it’ll bring some peace to my mind. After all kind of shit I've done” thought the mercenary as he recounted his experience again while looking for an inn.
Knight of hell/Jaddezzar: Director, creator and writer
OgTariq/Tariq Imad: Idea giver, bb coder, editor and co partner
Earl of pudding: proofreader,editor, medieval specialist
Damrok4321: artist, editor, proofreader
Suraru: lore master, Idea giver
Ten year later…
Cyrodiil, 3E433
All things considered, his fortune had been better. However, he’s quite content about his earnings that week.
“Not bad for a freelancing adventurer and mercenary” thought the young Cathay-raht, as he walked on the roads of Kvatch that night. Part of his boots that not covered by schynbald had been splattered by mud and blood of bandits and beasts that roamed between Cheydinhal and Chorrol. He wore a hauberk that extended to his thigh, fastened around hip by a leather belt with metal plates, and further secured by an Imperial steel triple disc cuirass worn on top of the steel mail armor. His shoulders are protected by a pair of steel pauldrons that also partially protect his neck. Further protection that completed his set of panoply are provided by paddings for his armor, a pair of gauntlets and poleyn. On his hips hang a pair of swords made from silver, one long and one short, on his back a quiver filled to the brim with silver arrows and his backpack, where he hung his imperial helmet. His bow, made from composite materials, hangs from his left shoulder, so it could be quickly brought to bear, if necessary. Yet, as Jadezzar strode past the guards on the gate, after quite an extensive questioning from the guards suspicious of a dirty and bloodied Khajiit, he’s pretty sure it would be a safe and quiet night for him. Too tired to look for a proper inn, he settled to stay his first night in Kvatch right next to the Chapel of Akatosh, on a corner protected by roof from the elements. He knew Martin, one of the priests in there, because he had met him in one of his journeys. Every time he looked at him, there’s a strange, almost majestic and soothing, yet encouraging aura he felt. But right now, he doesn’t think that anyone in the chapel is still awake, and he just wanted to sleep, even if it means sleeping on the stairs like a beggar. He had suffered worse, though, so he just grins as he slept. As he tried to bury dark thoughts from his memories…
He opened one of his eyes, sensing something is amiss on the air.
“Dammit. There’s something wrong. But, what is it? Why can I smell something burning? And why is there a light coming from behind me?”. Then, a realization struck him hard, as he felt the heat and sprang to his feet. The chapel is burning and he heard voices cry out for help.
“By the Gods! there is a fire going on! and there is someone trapped inside! SHIT!” Jadezzar leapt away. He ran as fast as he could onto the nearest guard.
The guard simply stared in horror, before he ran toward the castle. Soon, nearly the entire city of Kvatch is awakened, as dozens of men, mer and beast folk attempted to put out the fire. Jadezzar himself ran back and forth, carrying water and putting out smaller flames, to no avail, even as rain fell upon the city. He suspected that the fire isn’t mundane, but magical. “But, who could start a fire as large as this one? A powerful and trained mage? A deranged Master of Destruction? Maybe even Daedra?” He thought, as he emptied the ninth bucket into the flames.
“Could it burn the entire city?” Some people asked, and answered by a guard “Heavens, I hope not. Pray to the Nine it would soon subside. '' And apparently, the Nine answered, as suddenly the flame got significantly smaller and smaller before it entirely dies off.
“Someone must check in” One of the citizens looked inside.
“Maybe there’s someone inside? He or she could have seen the culprit, or maybe they are the culprit!” Another civilian spoke.
It took some time, before a group of volunteers entered the chapel. Jadezzar walked in first, followed by a few guards, mercenaries, mages and a random Imperial Legionnaire that happened to pass through the city that night.
“Fifty Septims it's the work of a very dangerous mage” a guardsmen spoke.
“Or a sign from the Divines?” one of the mage shivers.
“Or, maybe, we all should stop speculating and investigate. I have my own theory, that it’s an uncontrolled fire from a mage that lose control, from my own experience. My sister, a spellsword, initially can’t control the flame she cast. Took her weeks and some singed furs before she finally managed to fully control it, and months to master it” Jadezzar grunts, before he motioned the others to stop.
“Hey. Did, did anyone hear that? Soft, almost inaudible crying? Or whimpers? Judging from the voice, can’t be human or mer” Jadezzar squints, before turning his natural Khajiiti night vision on.
“Yeah, but we don’t know where it came from, Khajiit.” the Imperial Legionnaire spoke. Jadezzar scanned his surroundings, until he spotted something strange .
“I think we’re one step closer. Look, I think I might’ve found a witness. Or maybe the culprit?” Jadezzar looked at the others.
“Whe…you mean that strange yellowish golden Khajiit shaped pile over there, big guy?” another random Khajiit mercenary, an Ohmes-raht, pointed at a place near the altar. Jadezzar and the others slowly approach it, but only Jadezzar dared to came very close to the creature. Or rather, a young Cathay girl who apparently fell unconscious. Jadezzar kneeled and carefully observed her features closely, before a very harsh realization struck him.
“Someone get a blanket or bed cover, anything. She’s butt naked. What looks like underwear are apparently just paint. Quick, before more people sees her!” Jadezzar shouted at the rest of the group, before staring at her again.
Hmm, you’re a rather beautiful girl, far more so than my mother, Mtizsha or Darokisha. But the strangest thing is, have we met before? Your face and features reminds me to someone from my past, but who? And why? Jadezzar thought.
“Do you know her? Why do you look at her as if she means anything, Khajiit? “A guardsmen asked Jadezzar, while carrying a blanket large enough to cover her body.
“I don’t know her. But she seems very familiar, like someone from my past. Maybe it’s unimportant. Maybe it’s important. I don’t really know” Jadezzar carefully covered her.
“Since this is a holy place, I’d suggest taking her down to the chapel hall. It would be inappropriate to leave her here. Many people could see her. Besides, we’ll need a place where some people could question her” suggested a Breton mage. Jadezzar nodded, and signaled three other people to carry the young Khajiit down to the chapel hall.
“Well, one of us could have done it on their own, she’s light.” one of the people, an Orc, grunts, as they placed her on a bedroll.
“Which makes me feel bad for her. Underweight, naked and apparently drunk. Less likely candidate to be the one who started the fire, or maybe more likely. We don’t know yet. Still, though, what she says could be valuable. Khajiit, would you stay and watch over her? If what one of the guardsmen said earlier is true, then maybe she’ll recognize you. That way, it would be less likely for her to panic” the Imperial Legionnaire spoke at the Cathay-raht mercenary. Jadezzar nods, as he sat on the floor, back against the wall across her.
“A healer better check on her, and maybe a few guards too, to question her when she's regained consciousness. Everyone else should disperse the people and start to clean up the chapel” The Imperial Legionnaire commands. In mere minutes the crowds finally disperse, although a few guards and people remain to tidy up and stand guard in case something happens. Meanwhile, Jadezzar keep staring at the Cathay, as he sank deep in his memories.
“I could see that she probably means something for you, Ja’Khajiit. Who is she?” the healer asked.
“I, I think she’s someone I met in the past. I’m still trying to remember who she is, though” Jadezzar replied. Then, he remembered, when he and his family caravan visited Hammerfell few years ago.
“I remember now, healer. She might be the daughter of a pair of Khajiit farmers from Hammerfell. My family caravan passed near their farm. That’s when I think I first met her, ten years ago. I fought three Duneripper to return her guar doll. I hope I’m correct.” he looked at the healer.
“Interesting story you got there, Ja’Khajiit. Anyway, I’ll go check on her every few hours and so” The healer approached her.
“ I’ll rest here, if you don't mind. Fought bandits and beasts few times on the road. I’m too tired at this moment. Night, healer” Jad moaned and closed his eyes.
She opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. The last thing she could remember, before passing out as fire rose around her, is that she was screaming for help in the chapel. Now she sat on the chapel hall, which means sometime after she lost consciousness and suffered another nightmare, some people had moved her. She shuddered as she remembered her latest nightmare, as she tried to fight off the monster.
“Hey, Ja’Khajiit. You're finally awake. Listen up, if you answer our questions, you could walk away without any scratch” a guard stood in front of her.
“Cooperate, young one. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee that you’ll be safe. Remember, Imperial law said presumed guilty until proven otherwise” Jadezzar spoke, leaning against one of the pillars, his golden brown eyes bore directly at the Cathay. He only wore his gambeson, and the Cathay could see his dark brown fur with black stripes, as he walked closer. Something is familiar in the way he moves and stares at her, and she noticed the furs below his cheeks, as well as his ear tuft, is remarkably similar to an old acquaintance. The difference though, is that this large Cathay-raht has a darker, somewhat rough and hardened aura, something that she knows didn’t exist in someone she met years ago.
“So, what's your name and what were you doing in the chapel, miss…?” the guard asked, while fiddling with a paper and a quill.
“Er... Managan. Katia Managan. I...I got into the chapel because it rained” Katia began to speak, while judging whether or not she should disclose the exact reason why she was naked and how she had lost nearly all of her belongings, unsure whether her interrogators would believe her.
“Just that? Why don’t you go into inns or someplace else? There are people you know here, right?” the guard asked again as he squinted his eyes.
“No. I also lost nearly all of my belongings. Including a valuable object that I should give to my friend in Anvil” She looks down at the floor. She hated to admit, but right now, she’s in her lowest point she ever knows, worse than when she had lost money and many other items to Gharug.
“How did you lose them? And what did you see in the Chapel?” Jadezzar raised his eyebrow, sensing something bad had happened to her.
“You two would not believe it. There’s no point to tell. And. And. And I accidentally started a fire” She started to cry.
“Eh, that still doesn’t explain the puddle of mead or how you lost your belongings. And how you accidentally started the fire?” the guard pressed on, although he tried to soften his tones.
“I’m a failure! I failed to contain the fire as it suddenly shows up, I can’t control it! I failed to stand up to her! I...I...” She cried, prompting Jadezzar who, feeling somewhat sympathetic to her, sat next to her and patted her on the back.
“Katia, try to come down, please. It was an accident, don’t blame yourself. And, given what happened, I don’t think she will go to jail, right? “I will pay her bounty in any case.” Jadezzar looked at the guard.
“Nah, it will be recorded, but most likely written off as an accident, since the damage isn’t as bad as it seems, after I talked with some people. It’s not like a planned attack on the chapel, and anyway, looking at you, Katia, not many will trust that you are the one who started it. Well, except the chapel workers and few other people. Anyway, I don’t think there’s many things I could do here, so…” the guard walked away, before Katia suddenly asked.
“I…won’t go to jail?”
“No, kid, and given what had happened to you...” the guard momentarily stopped as he thought something to say next. “But you better speak to the workers and apologize” the guard grunted and walked upstairs.
Katia just stared in disbelief, before her eyes moved to Jadezzar. “Well, I don’t think there’s many other reasons to stay here. I’ll go…” Jadezzar stood and walked to the corner and started strapping on his equipment and sorting through his items.
“Wait. Have we met before? You seem familiar. And I need clothes, unless I have to use this sheet to cover myself up.” Katia spoke.
“Yeah, well, don’t worry. Here, I have a spare pair of trousers and shirt. Doubt it would fit, so I’d suggest you got something else. And cover yourself too under that blanket thing you use” Jadezzar walked back to her and tossed her a shirt and a pair of trousers, several sizes bigger than hers.
“As for your question, well, we might have, in our past. Back when I’m still with my family caravan. Still not really sure” Jadezzar continues.
“So, you’re from a caravan?” Katia continued, in broken Ta’agra.
“I was, Katia. When I turned eighteen, I decided to make my own path as a mercenary. My parents are mercenaries too in their youth. Dad even fought in the Five Years War against the Bosmer of Valenwood as a scout and later as a cavalry group leader under his father command, and then in the War of Betony as a mercenary on the side of King Lysandus, and then King Gothryn of Daggerfall, after Lysandus got killed” Jad sat next to Katia.
“Oh. It’s very interesting. Is, is he a good father?” Katia asked, inviting a smile from Jadezzar.
“Good? He’s the best! Mother and father are the best parents I could ever ask for. They had warned me about being a mercenary. Yet I kept insisting. They finally allow me, and, well, helped me. Should've known better, though. ” He sighed, before noticing that Kat already wore his clothing. “Hey. That’s fast.” Jadezzar grins.
“Yeah. I’m quite fast at getting in and out of clothing. By the way, did your caravan ever passes through Hammerfell? I recalled that I had met a few trade caravans in my youth. Maybe, maybe that’s why you are familiar.” Katia began to smile.
“Yeah. Ten years ago. Had my first truly challenging fight there against few monsters” Jadezzar replies.
“Ah. That reminds me. I used to have a guar doll. One day me and my mother went to this one caravan. There I met this Cathay-raht who was really nice to me, as well as his sisters, a Cathay and a Ohmes. I played with his sisters, until I dropped my guar doll downhill. There’s a few Duneripper there. I cried, then out of nowhere this Cathay-raht suddenly charged” Katia smiled as she recollects her memory.
“This Cathay-raht, he then killed one of the Dunerippers, returns to the camp injured, and handed the doll to a cute Cathay kitten?” Jadezzar chuckled.
“Yes. He told me his name. uhh Wait, I know it. You are that Cathay-raht, Jadezzar! I hadn’t forgot your name.” Katia let out a laugh, before looking at Jadezzar again.
“Time flies, doesn't it? Last time we met, we’re both young kittens, hehe.” Jadezzar stared at her, a little smile on the edge of his mouth.
“Yeah. Anyways, I gotta get going, there’s some things that I should do, so, uh, thanks for the clothes, Jad. Maybe we'll meet again?” Katia jumped up to on her feet.

“Well, I’ll stay in Kvatch for few days, so, we’ll see each other again. Now that you mentioned it, I’ll go to a blacksmith. My gear needs some serious repairs.” Jadezzar picked up his gear and walked, Katia trailing behind him. “So, what are you going to do next ?” Jadezzar asked.
“Well…I…uh” Katia momentarily remembered her troubles, before telling him what happened as they walked upstairs, stopping for apologizing to Weedum-Ja, who understandably looked upset.
“I’ll go to the arena, looking for an armor or something else that fit my size” she said after finishing her tale.
“Whoa. That’s a bloody long and tragic story, Kat. Well, good luck. If you need help, just ask. I’ll find an inn and then get my equipment fixed. See you later” Jadezzar smiled, and walked away.
“Well, a small spot of hope in my otherwise ruined life. Off to arena, then” thought Katia, before she covered herself with the blanket.
Jadezzar looked back at Katia, sighed and walked again. “Poor girl. Hope I could help her. Even if my own life is at stake. Maybe it’ll bring some peace to my mind. After all kind of shit I've done” thought the mercenary as he recounted his experience again while looking for an inn.
Knight of hell/Jaddezzar: Director, creator and writer
OgTariq/Tariq Imad: Idea giver, bb coder, editor and co partner
Earl of pudding: proofreader,editor, medieval specialist
Damrok4321: artist, editor, proofreader
Suraru: lore master, Idea giver
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