Spanking is reserved only for mortal punishment, not fanart.


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bluedraggy: Because somebody had to post best lizard in color.

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Tabby_Catface: beauty!

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Rick2tails: beautiful!

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Skoon: Very nicely done!

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semiafro007: she died

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KuroNeko: Quill sleep so gracefully it's amazing.
Nice work with the color bluedraggy

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Jahirr: Hey, maybe this is a dumb question, but where did you get this 1067x537 res version? Did you blow up the original?

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bluedraggy: I usually do upscale them, but this actually came to me at this size from someone. Not sure where he got it from but I thought it was just a screen cap.

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Ontirus: The moment I saw the color-in, I knew it was bluedraggy. Good work as always

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Vidiotdragon: I have a hard time figuring out the sled's hitbox...

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bluedraggy: Thanks Ontirus! And me too Vidiotdragon. I still haven't successfully completed Stage 2. But let me take this opportunity to apologize for my sins. After coloring this it was too, too easy to go a bit further and remove more articles of clothing. The result was used on /trash/ to considerably more explicit effect. I like QW! In my naivete I didn't see the obvious ramifications of what could be done with that. I have regrets. And QW won't speak to me anymore.

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KuroNeko: @bluedraggy: I was wondering when this pose would be used in porn since the first time I saw it. You don't have to blame yourself, it was unfortunately inevitable.