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Tags argonian artist:KuroNeko beautiful character:Quill-Weave modern_clothing monochrome song_and_dance
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KuroNeko: I think I might have a problem, but I just love putting her in nice dresses.

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lapma: @KuroNeko: Does not look like a problem for me, and she looks pretty in that dress.

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AMKitsune: @KuroNeko:

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semiafro007: Olé ahí ese flamenquito del bueno. ¡Ole, ole y ole!

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Rick2tails: yeah I dont see a problem with her or katia or raj in a dress Id even be ok with the bartender XD but if you start putting the male guards in dresses then youve gone too far ;P

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bluedraggy: Rick! Do you know what you've DONE?!?!

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: Careful what you wish for.

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Rick2tails: if we are talking the last thing. I SPECIFICLY did NOT ask for it to happen.It would be the opposite of a wish! so if it gets made it aint my fault.

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damrok4321: she looks very good, I don't see any problem here

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Caps: She looks beautifull.

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Caps: Makes me want to dance with her. ; )

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: You still ame up with the idea, you'll take full blame of what's about to happen.

@damrok4321: Thanks, and it's not her who have a problem but me who seems to have a weird obssession with lizards and dresses.

@Caps: Thank you