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Whistle: Katia in boots (poor pineapple)

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Rick2tails: careful with that sword young lady

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Caps: The three mosketers.

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KuroNeko: The pineaple deserved it for killing her parents.

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Kazerad: @KuroNeko: Story idea: hero loses parents to a food allergy and makes it her life's goal to slice, dice, and put flame to that food whenever possible. At the end of the story, she realizes in horror that she has become a chef, preparing her hated food so well that everyone loves it.

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Whistle: @Kazerad: oh my god .. this);

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Zargothrax: @Kazerad: That's like Spec Ops: The Line, but even more depressing.

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Whistle: @Kazerad: is she allergic or her parents have a food allergy? perhaps the hero himself doesn’t like food or, at least, she wakes up to hate food because of the allergy that plagued her parents

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Whistle: @Whistle: she probably won’t become a cook due to childhood injury