The only reward you shall receive is eternal pain and maybe a comment or two.


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damrok4321: It's... very nice but I feel like I'd look on grandma in a bikini, no matter if half-demon half-argonian.

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damrok4321: but overall the body looks nice, tail could be kinda thicker i think

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KuroNeko: Oh my god that face, you certainly improved it since the last one, which in turn make this image so much worse... Keep going.
Like damrok said her tail is a little too thin but otherwise it looks good. Nice work.

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Tabby_Catface: hm, her body is pretty curvy for a granmother.

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Caps: I think dhe is starting to like this kind of dreams.

@damrok4321 Well, you are not so wrong cinsidering she is hundred of years old.

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Zargothrax: Glitter!

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Tabby_Catface: hey, remember that post about Quill's head? I assume it would be useful if I just leave a link <<there>>

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Caps: @Tabby_Catface https://youtu.be/ZeAQmusOR9w
Sorry. :3

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Tabby_Catface: @Caps: ha, I love MGS series!

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Caps: @Tabby_Catface me too. : )
I growed up playing those games.