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Tags amulet_of_silence artist:lapma black_eyes character:Katia_Managan Katia's_wizard_robe text
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KuroNeko: No you can have all of it, all the cake.
Adorable as always

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Caps: Watch out or it will all end up on your hips. ; P
She is a cuty kitty katty. ; )
Nice drawing.

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bluedraggy: More likely it will all end up in a potted plant nearby.

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Rick2tails: I`ll share it with you Katia ..by the way you ever see the movie Lady and the Tramp?

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Caps: @Bluedragy well, texhnixally all the nutrients, vitamims, grease, etc. Everything that is usefull will ended up in Katia's body. Everything else that her body doesn't use or that her digestive organs can't process will ended up on a potted plant...
Also, eeeeewww. DX