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lapma: She finally got that popcorn we wanted her to have.

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Tabby_Catface: people who spoilers the most interesting plot details are pure evil.
not sure if it counts when everybody in the world already knows about them though :P

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lapma: @Tabby_Catface: Oh she is a villain alright. just not a super one!

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Kazerad: @Tabby_Catface: A lot of kids don't know! Star Wars has faded a lot in popularity among younger people, and the old movies still hold up, so it has re-entered spoiler territory.

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lapma: @lapma: Now she is super one, thanks to her PRESENTATION!

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DarthVader: No, I am your father!

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APayne1776_2: I didn't know Vader was the father
When was this announced?

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KuroNeko: Nice shorts there Kat.

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Tabby_Catface: Now looking back in time I can say that @DarthVader said the actual right quote.
Also @lapma, omg, now she is a real super-villain! Nice one. I'm wondering who makes all those evil costumes for her?

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Caps: Evil Quill strike again.
Would someone put a stop to her evil ways or would she end up spoiling the whole star wars franchise to Kattia?

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PermanentFace: Why is 'pineapple_shorts' a thing.