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randomlyFish: I did not mean for this image to be HUGE and sideways in the thumbnail- I haven't posted here since 2017 because life got busy, but I saw that while I was gone, some.. events took place on my first drawing?? So I redrew it https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/4351#search=user_id%3D979 here's the og image

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KuroNeko: It looks great, I love you style.
And that a lot of improvement since the other drawing

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lapma: Yeah that looks way cooler than the 1st one. Nice job.

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Rick2tails: looks like Katia is ready to kick some ass

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Caps: Really cool drawing. I love how fluffly you made her.

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Zargothrax: I'd say it is a significant improvement on the first one in all aspects, very well done. Maybe some regression in terms of orientation. Remove the exif data before uploading photos.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Katia's ready to serve up some roasted butt. This is bretty gud art my man/woman/person.

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Caps: Kattia: "The imp killer has arrived".

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AMKitsune: @randomlyFish: Ok, I managed to fix the weird, sideways thumbnail, but I had to re-upload the file at a lower resolution. It's still just as functionally detailed as before, so that shouldn't be an issue hopefully.