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Tags artist:KuroNeko character:Quill-Weave magnus swimsuit
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KuroNeko: Last year I drew Katia in swimsuit for summer, now it's Quill's turn.

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damrok4321: ooooh i love It! That inflatable toy shark looks hella cool. Also those water droplets, really nice job there

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bluedraggy: That sun is still flaming. :) There are so many things to love about this, not least of which is the curvy coloring lines, but yeah - that shark. I want one. (and also... hips.)

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KuroNeko: @damrok4321: Thank you, glad you like it

@bluedraggy: Thanks, glad to see someone noticed those

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Rick2tails: Quill looks cute here

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bluedraggy: Also I bet between the vinyl of the inflatable shark and Quill's slick reptile scales rubbing together, there's so much squeaking going on it keeps the slaughterfish away.

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Tabby_Catface: You gone really Thick on this one :D Hey, nice work!

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Caps: She does look very lovely with that swinsuit.

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ADudeCalledLeo: how is this girl single again?
looks at rampant alcoholism ...ah, that explains it

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Zargothrax: Clever girl knows how to make up for her inability to control her own body temperature.
Nice drawing, as always.

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KuroNeko: @Rick2tails: @Caps: Yes she sure is

@Tabby_Catface: Lizards have thick hips, it's a rule :p And thanks

@bluedraggy: This just gave me another idea.

@ADudeCalledLeo: Well, she's technically in a relationship but things got complicated.
Also one of the cause of alcoholism is that she's lonely so it's a self sustaining problem.

@Zargothrax: Thank you :D

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AMKitsune: The shading and tones used here are just *Mwah* beautiful. And that translucency effect on the shark! I know you've demonstrated translucency before, but every time I see it done this well, especially in a traditional medium, I'm left at a loss for words.

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KuroNeko: Thank you very much
Verry glad you like it.

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Dominik: Looks just great, that coloring is sooo good

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KuroNeko: @Dominik: Thank you