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Zerorganic: wish the data limit would allow me to add more facial expressions and edit it more in general but yea.... this is my answer to damroks ,,Expression challenge''... was this even a challenge ? Well i took it as an opportunity to create my first animation. Still need to figur things with my katia animation model out tho.Things are still a bit rough.Hope you guys still like it

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AMKitsune: Wow, this rig seems to be really practical. How are the limb motions handled? Some kind of inverse kinematics system, or do you manually tween all join positions?

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Zerorganic: I did split up her body in different pieces. This allows me to move those by setting coordination and rotation points for every frame. Not the smartest and skilled way to animate but ye.... i doubt that im able to draw frame by frame animations. And this was my first try working with it. So yea.. things wil improve

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Rick2tails: this is very cute

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Zerorganic: to be honest i see this a failure and as succes at the same time. The piece as a whole i meh. But i learned that things wont work out on the wy i did originll plan and i have an idea how to improve future stuff

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Zerorganic: its just sad that i wasted much time on this

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ADudeCalledLeo: Learn from Katia, @Zerorganic: the best way to succeed is to fail until you can extrapolate success out of the failure.
...wait, what?

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bluedraggy: This is great - and the best thing is you learned a lot I bet. Animation is hard - anything you can learn will make it easier.

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Zerorganic: Okay. I took some time to think about this pice. its not as bad as i thought, but it has problems. would e nice if you could tell me what you think. So i can imrove with your feedback.

I would say the facial animation are good. i mean... this was the main point of this animation. But i should draw more head angles for transitions. Using this werid motion blur effect isnt good.

Maybe i should have made something with her body ? i mean. the focus is supposed to be on her face. But d u think its lame that er body doesent move at all ?

And the pain problem is... her arm. Im not sure how you see this. But i hate how his movement did turn out. The main problem i had was his lenght. Like... using a normal arm lenght was too short because of the size of katias head. So i had to play a bit around. Maybe it would look better if her shoulders or her tunic would move a bit more togheter with her arm. What do u think about the arm ?

An the last point...its not so important but i think its meh: some outlines are mote thiccer than others. Some parts dont even have lines. I made this beause this givs me the possibilty to hide stuff nd little mistakes that come with the animation model. But i should have ad sme lines. Problem was... i did think too late about that. Also my plan of postediting in photoshop did die hard.

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Zerorganic: (i should correction read before posting stuff... god damn)

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KuroNeko: That's a pretty creative way to make an expression challenge.
The movement of her arm is a bit robotic but otherwise it looks pretty cool.

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damrok4321: I see this as your success zergo, this is a big step in the direction of making bigger things, my facial challenge didn't have top quality drawn expressions either, but that wasn't important. You learned stuff from this and this is what matters, the best thing which you can do right now is to keep going this way. I'm looking forward to see more stuff from you because you have the potential. I'm really moved by the fact that I inspired you.
Now speaking of what do I think about how does it look like: her facial expressions are cute and well made, the lines also aren't bad I like the way how does it look, that style has its charm. I'm kinda wondering if it wouldn't look a bit better if her fur fluffs on the cheeks had a bit thicker outline but it looks fine anyway. Of what could you do to make it look a bit better? I think maybe add variety to the way of how her hand moves? Like, when we do move, we don't actually make it exactly the same way every time, her hand kinda looks like it would be robotic, making slight changes in its position every time it goes back and forth maybe could help a little bit. Anyway, again, keep up the good work.

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damrok4321: I meant to type *Zeror sorry I keep mistaking your and Zargothrax names

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Tabby_Catface: The cutest and the most attractive animation of cat I've seen in a while Zero! I'd like to say keep it up. With this amount of effort you'll be able to steal hearts of viewers easily :D

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Whistle: damn, she's very funny (I'm so happy for her)