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Uploader KuroNeko,
Tags argonian character:Katia_Managan character:Quill-Weave drunk Khajiit monochrome text
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KuroNeko: An alternate timeline where Katia weaponised her alcoholism.

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KuroNeko: Shit I messed up.
I cropped out a part of the text.
Quill is supposed to say "What does it means when there's a skull on the bottle?"

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damrok4321: Despite this, it turned out great anyway xD

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ADudeCalledLeo: So Katia has Argonian-levels of poison resistance?

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Zerorganic: i dont know why.... but it kinda looks like she wears a hoodi. Hoodis are hot

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lapma: That's cool idea, still with noodles arms she wouldn't be much of a fighter even in drunken rage.