Brevity is the soul of wit. In essence, make anything the comes from your whelpling fingers be succinct, and that you don't overstay your welcome. Writing for too long can...


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Bokdan0: I started to learn how to do digital art and I chose Katia since who doesn't like Katia?
C&C welcome :)

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Zargothrax: Just started out with digital art and already went with an animation? That's pretty badass.
Nice art either way, welcome to the booru!
Command & Conquer welcome? I'd welcome a good c&c but that framchise is long dead

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Bokdan0: Thanks :3
I meant C&C as "comments and criticism" xD but hasn't Command & Conquer received remastered lately?

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Zerorganic: i like it ^^. But i feel like you should add more frames between the blinking.. its a bit too fast. Also i feel like giving the blinking animation more frames in general would also kinda help.Adding some slight pupil movement would make her look a lot more alive too i guess. But i might be wrong here. Im learning animation right now too and so im still hyper noobish. So i assume my criticism could be wrong there. In terms of the drawing itself... what can i say. you really captured the feeling of katia! So Good Job ^^, I like it a lot

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Rick2tails: happy cat is best cat! And I agree with zerorganics pointers for the picture/animation

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Bokdan0: Thanks for your comments.
Pupil movement and more frames... noted, breathing could also change things a bit but first, I need to learn how to draw efficiently xD. This gif took me way more time than it should in my opinion.
In the next gif, I will try Katia with fewer clothes so drawing should go faster.

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Zerorganic: if you want help or tips feel free to ask ^^. Im sure most of us here are wiling to help! And also... i feel you. Animation is hard. Esppecially the firt one. This was my first try and also invested way too much tme xd https://www.prequeladventure.com/fanartbooru/post/view/7124

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Zerorganic: But i have to say... for your first digital art and animation piece... this turned out really good

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Bokdan0: Well, I started digital art one week ago with some random internet exercises and some drawing with guidelines but it is my first animation. I used some of Kazerad Katia pictures as exercise at drawing and coloring but since I was basically drawing on them, I didn't post them. Like one on my avatar.
Animations seem scary, especially really smooth ones. Well, will try to do one.
I'd love some suggestions at Katia anatomy since it's hardest hor me to draw.

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lapma: This is rly nice, welcome to the digital art world.

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Whistle: She cute :3

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ADudeCalledLeo: very good (and cute) animation
cool-ass robes get! (again)

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Johnny_FiveAces: It looks great, especially for you having only recently gotten into digital!

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Dominik: She is soo adorable, keep it up man :D

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DarthVader: This is damn good