DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Molag Bal doesn't like rule thirty four images. Image Uploader KuroNeko, August 10, 2020; 10:56 Tags argonian artist:KuroNeko casually_underdressed character:Quill-Weave character:your_weird_OC comic impure_thoughts Khajiit literary_endeavors maid questionable romance text very_casually_underdressed Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible August 10, 2020; 10:58 - Reply KuroNeko: Quill "I'm not into Kahjiit" Weave is fantasizing again. August 10, 2020; 12:02 - Reply XenoYparxi: lol August 10, 2020; 14:25 - Reply ADudeCalledLeo: This is how Quill gets revenge for the whole "Lusty Argonian Maid" thing, huh? Yep, totally not into Khajiit in the slightest, no siree August 10, 2020; 16:20 - Reply Zargothrax: Heh, this is pretty great! And ahe's very good at sneaking. Just like a true khajiit August 10, 2020; 17:13 - Reply KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thanks. Curse those cats and their padded feet! August 10, 2020; 18:27 - Reply damrok4321: I can relate to quill on this drawing, that's basically every time someone asks me what do I draw xd August 10, 2020; 19:27 - Reply Rick2tails: Quill youre a writer. you can use the excuse its just to sell books you have no interest August 11, 2020; 23:29 - Reply bluedraggy: This is why self-inserts are always a bad idea. August 12, 2020; 00:06 - Reply Rick2tails: @bluedraggy yes its always better when someone inserts you then self-inserting XD August 12, 2020; 00:17 - Reply bluedraggy: Oof. And I try so hard to be at least RELATIVELY decent here! ;) August 12, 2020; 09:32 - Reply xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: she's gay August 12, 2020; 10:58 - Reply lapma: Great work. August 12, 2020; 17:05 - Reply KuroNeko: @xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: I dunno, she looked pretty depressed last time we saw her :p @lapma: Thanks :) December 17, 2020; 04:23 - Reply B_A_R_C_L_A_Y: quite the unwanted surprise
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Yep, totally not into Khajiit in the slightest, no siree- Reply
And ahe's very good at sneaking. Just like a true khajiit
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@lapma: Thanks :)