DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Betray your fellow mortals by reporting violated rules. Your continued existence is your only reward. Image Uploader KuroNeko, August 13, 2020; 04:26 Tags artist:KuroNeko blushing character:Rajirra hats Khajiit modern_clothing monochrome Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible August 13, 2020; 04:27 - Reply KuroNeko: "Yeah I like that new outfit. Now I have a question for you too: Do you know where that umbrella is going ?" August 13, 2020; 05:05 - Reply ADudeCalledLeo: THIS UMBRELLA'S GOING STRAIGHT UP YER ARSE jokes aside, this is a cute outfit August 13, 2020; 10:56 - Reply damrok4321: There is no single thing that I wouldn't love about it. Nice job. August 13, 2020; 11:13 - Reply Rick2tails: this is cute. why is Raj such a damn grump!? XD August 13, 2020; 15:53 - Reply Dominik: That outfit looks pretty cool, don't understand why she is so upset about it August 14, 2020; 13:07 - Reply TempIntel: Madam Rajirra taking a stroll undercover to avoid being seen by Katia I presume? Nice. August 14, 2020; 14:35 - Reply xxx_orkslayergamer6969_xxx: She's going to beat someone probably katia with that umbrella like the Civilian from TF2C. August 14, 2020; 15:33 - Reply Zargothrax: This is one damn stylish Rajirra! August 28, 2020; 01:14 - Reply Sashimi: It's canon that she can actually smile once in a while. Lookin fabulous in that outfit, Raj! August 28, 2020; 14:49 - Reply KuroNeko: @Sashimi: Pic or it didn't happens :p October 3, 2020; 01:42 - Reply Sashimi: @KuroNeko: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/475500223125520405/761839704009736202/unknown.png October 3, 2020; 01:44 - Reply Sashimi: @KuroNeko: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/475500223125520405/761839812998332456/unknown.png
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jokes aside, this is a cute outfit
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