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Uploader KuroNeko,
Tags argonian artist:KuroNeko beach character:Quill-Weave hats
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KuroNeko: Apparently today is world lizard day, so for the occasion I decided to redraw that pic of Quill-Weave I did a year ago.

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ADudeCalledLeo: adorable

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Rick2tails: this is so cute

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damrok4321: Love it. This is excellent.

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Zerorganic: She looks so happy. Its great to see her sometimes without a bottle of booze in her hand. Super Nice drawing, as always. Love the background and how she poses. Just wonder when you will switch to digital art

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AMKitsune: @Zerorganic: Why assume that an outright switch to digital is inevitable? KuroNeko's better with pencil and paper than most are with stylus and tablet.

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Zerorganic: dont get me wrong, i do higly respect people that draw traditionally with pen on paper. But i think digital art just opens much more possibilities

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KuroNeko: @ADudeCalledLeo: @Rick2tails: @damrok4321: Thanks

@Zerorganic: Thank you, glad you like it :)
As for switching to digital, probably never XD I like traditional too much to switch completly to digital.
As you said, it opens a lot of possibilities but it feels so artificial to me, you don't get the same felling with a stylus on a screen. And with enough work what you can do in digital, you can do it in traditional.

@AMKitsune: Aw, glad you think so.
One day I'll reach that kind of level in traditional art https://www.deviantart.com/atmaflare/art/Astarte-Goddess-of-love-and-war-636151202

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Zargothrax: Nice work on the dress, she's so pretty here!

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KuroNeko: @Zargothrax: Thanks :)