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Tags anvil artist:Zargothrax character:Quill-Weave death fansnark Quill-Weave's_bed Saturalia skeletons
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Zargothrax: Day ""28""
Civilization has ended centuries ago.
But Quill is still in her eternal slumber.

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NotGodOkay: :(

But what does this reflect?

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Skybolt06: Another one?
Really great art, and awesome detail

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KuroNeko: Vaermina will be back any minute now.
Any. minute.

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Zargothrax: @NotGodOkay: The Saturalia minigame series from last year in which Quill went through a series of Christmas themed dreams/nightmares. It was supposed to open a new level every day. But some levels arrived with delays. We are still waiting for the last level, day 28. The levels ended with Quill waking up, or licking eggnog, then presumably waking up. But since the last level never came, she never awakened.
@Skybolt06: Thank you. What I'm really proud of here was the speed. I work really slowly, that's why I don't have that much art here. But this was done in 4 hours, which is quick by my standards.
@KuroNeko: Quill will be in a nasty surprise when that happens. No more booze.

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ADudeCalledLeo: Is she OK tho
Good art