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ChrisMono: my friend suggested i use Krita to animate, so this is a quick gif i made in about an hour or so using it. Its a lot of new tools to get
used to, at least it doesn't crash often

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Skybolt06: I love this, it's so cute, and also ironic that Katia loses, and uses paper, but that could just be me looking into it too deeply as if Katia chose paper, representing how they're alike, as paper is flimsy and tares easily under stress and pressure from multiple ways, these ways could also be representing decisions Katia must make, interesting right? (help me please XD)

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ChrisMono: Lol

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bluedraggy: Jeeze! Katia, try something different than paper! I've been watching for five minutes and she keeps doing the same thing. No wonder she keeps losing!

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ADudeCalledLeo: I see Katia has never been told the definition of insanity.
Also this is cute

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Sashimi: @bluedraggy: Oh c'mon now, that snek can't possibly pick scissors forever!

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KuroNeko: The fact that she keep losing to a product of her own imagination is kind of sad honestly.