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_Noxygen_: I'm back from the trenches lol. This is a project I'm still working on for Skybolt, and it's taking forever (sorry about that). It's been like three weeks without an update so I thought I should post what I have so far. I really underestimated how difficult this was going to be (I've redrawn the gun and hands alone like 7 times lol), but I'm still going to try and finish it! Also the signatures are only going to get weirder. Sorry if I sound a little pessimistic, I'm just frustrated with my skill level and how long this took. Hope you enjoy what I have so far! Also gimmie some advice
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GrizzlyBear: That looks really awesome! I gotta say that design is leagues better than what I was going for, so idk if there’s any valuable advice I’d be fit to give. What I’ve been working on is also taking a while and it still looks pretty awkward, so I’m a little pessimistic too lol. Outstanding job
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Denis: Ну опять таки, тут больше насмотренность и понимание объёмов требуется. А на это нужно время, иначе никак. Лично мне хотелось бы посмотреть скетч с построением к этому рисунку. Тут надо разобраться с размером ног относительно друг друга, предплечий(хотя могло быть так и задумано)

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Skybolt06: This is epic, I'm so glad that you're enjoying drawing this stuff as basically fanfiction fanart XD, thanks so much, the helmet is very cool and different from how I imagine it, but variation is what makes art awesome! Amazing job here!

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_Noxygen_: @GrizzlyBear: thanks! coming back to this After watching some memes and passing out, I feel better now lol

@Denis: thank you for the feedback! I'll post the base construction when I figure out how to embed images inside posts, or find some other method. I'll see if I can still fix the limbs up to look more proportionate. I know I can fix the arm at least. Also that portrait you did looks amazing!

@Skybolt: thanks, I was going to go with a much more detailed and brutalist design with the helmet, but that proved to be more difficult than I thought. Still going to add the glowing etchings all over it and hopefully save this thing when I paint it lol

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KuroNeko: This looks pretty coo :o