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Skybolt06: Better late than never right? yeah I actually drew this a while ago anyways, sometime before new years actually, but I never got around to taking a picture and posting it, but here we are... I think this is my best work overall as I absolutely adore what I've come up with. But yeah, this is Katia going out with Anon/Viewer for new years, and as most of us know, Katia isn't confident about herself in any way, so Anon/Viewer decided to give her a reason. Hope you enjoy this art even though I am a bit late (and sorry for making my comments on stuff I upload way to long XD)
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GrizzlyBear: Looks like another new best, you’re really getting a lot better with each one

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KuroNeko: Pretty cute :)
Katia deserves some praised.
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bigchungus: amazing progress

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ADudeCalledLeo: Cute art!

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AMKitsune: Absolutely precious.