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Uploader TempIntel,
Tags artist:TempIntel character:Quill-Weave chiaroscuro dwemer_technology food modern_clothing
Source Unknown
Locked No

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TempIntel: Tried to use a limited color palette on this one

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bluedraggy: OH! Very nice! Though tbh I don't get the context, but you've chosen the colors very well.

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Skybolt06: As I always say, this booru needs more QW, and you've delivered... unfortunately I cannot draw agronians, but I am trying to learn... or I'm going to... soon... I-I promise

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ADudeCalledLeo: Local Argonian disappointingly glares at bowl of chips at 3AM
Good art!

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sley: Katia drawing that image on the wall is my head canon :D
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TempIntel: @ADudeCalledLeo That's better context than anything I can come up with (disappointing copycat brand chips XD).

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Zargothrax: I've seen a lot of improvement in your art, nice job!