DAEDRIC FUN TIP: Always heed the Daedric Fun Tip. Image Uploader GrizzlyBear, September 6, 2021; 01:03 Tags ALMSIVI amulet_of_kings artist:Bluedraggy artist:damrok4321 artist:Dominik artist:Duster artist:Flawedspirit artist:GrizzlyBear artist:KuroNeko artist:lapma artist:Nicros_Man artist:semiafro007 artist:Skybolt06 artist:Tejo artist:TempIntel artist:Zargothrax artist:__KKCringe audience Azura's_Star Blade boat booze butterflies casually_underdressed censorship character:Aggy character:Almalexia character:anon character:Arvak character:Azura character:Gaius_Atrum character:Katia_Managan character:Martin_Septim character:Mehrunes_Dagon character:nerevarine character:nightmare_king character:quill_weave character:Rajirra character:Saint_Jiub character:Scleepy_the_Healing_Snake character:Sigrid character:Sleipreindir character:Sotha_Sil character:Sworddog character:Uriel_Septim_VII character:Vaermina character:Vivec character:Weedum-Ja collaboration Daedric_text despair dreams drunk Egyptian fear fire flowers forest gold horn_and_drunky horse ice_cream Imperial_City ink Katia's_Thief_Tunic Kvatch kvatch_castle magic magic_fire magnus masser monochrome night Night_Eye nipple nirnroot painted_underwear questionable rags rainbows Red_Mountain royalty ruby_throne rude Saturalia saturalia_dreams Secunda sitting skeletons smiling Soul_Cairn stars statue Telvanni_Bug_Musk unicorn very_casually_underdressed White-Gold_Tower wizard_beard Source Unknown Locked No Describe This Image As Dramatically As Possible September 6, 2021; 01:55 - Reply GrizzlyBear: Another collaboration project, this time a tarot card deck. Big thanks to everyone who took part September 6, 2021; 05:54 - Reply KuroNeko: thanks everyone, you did a great job The artists in order are: KKCringe, Bluedraggy, GrizzlyBear, FlawedSpirit, KuroNeko, Duster, Tempintel, Bluedraggy,Skybolt06, GrizzlyBear, KuroNeko, Damrok4321, Zargothrax, Lapma,Nicros_Man, Kuroneko, Dominik, Tejo, Semiafro007. Some cards are still in work and will be added as they are finished so you might want to check this from time to time. September 6, 2021; 07:49 - Reply damrok4321: This one took some time, but definitely worth it. September 6, 2021; 09:23 - Reply ADudeCalledLeo: [The Binding of Isaac Narrator intensifies] Good art, all of you! September 6, 2021; 09:59 - Reply Skybolt06: This was really fun, even though my own entry is completely outdated to my current style I'm glad to take part in this masterpiece, can't wait to see how it'll look finished! Amazing job everyone! September 6, 2021; 21:49 - Reply Rick2tails: this is very neat! great work all of you September 7, 2021; 14:40 - Reply Dominik: It was cool to be a part of this. Hoping for more collabs like this September 12, 2021; 14:09 - Reply TempIntel: This was pretty sweet to be apart of, great job everyone! September 13, 2021; 16:36 - Reply freynk03: some will think of jojo's bizarre adventures
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The artists in order are: KKCringe, Bluedraggy, GrizzlyBear, FlawedSpirit, KuroNeko, Duster, Tempintel, Bluedraggy,Skybolt06, GrizzlyBear, KuroNeko, Damrok4321, Zargothrax, Lapma,Nicros_Man, Kuroneko, Dominik, Tejo, Semiafro007.
Some cards are still in work and will be added as they are finished so you might want to check this from time to time.
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Good art, all of you!
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Amazing job everyone!
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